ᴇʀɪs |♀|

Mulai dari awal

Nyx describes Eris as destructive, unpredictable, and impossible to control. While she is not particularly violent, Eris can use anyone's darkest secrets against them. Eris loves watching the arguments of others and whenever people feud, argue or bicker, she's in the middle of it all. She creates discord in marriages, causing distrust and disagreement between couples so that over time the love would be lost. She can make people resent someone else's good skills or fortune and is always the first to instigate any argument.

Eris is viewed as a harsh goddess who enjoys unhappiness and turmoil and although she never takes sides in any argument, she happily witnesses the suffering of every person involved in it. Furthermore, in spite of her antagonistic role, including her amoral malevolence and sadism, it can be argued that Eris is simply fulfilling her divine role as the goddess of discord. As a divine being, she is not bound to the morals and/or ethics of mortals, though she is bound by divine law to keep her word as a goddess.

Eris is often described as a force of nature that no one could control. During times of war, Eris would appear to show that God was on neither side and that He did not condone such violence.

m y e r s - b r i g g s .

t r a i t s .
Malevolent, deviant, devious, spiteful, vindictive, blasphemous, passionate, sadistic, destructive, unpredictable, trickster

"I'm a trickster through and through."

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c o m m o n . s e n s e : 6/10
r e a s o n i n g : 5/10
h o n e s t y : 3/10
l o y a l t y : 5/10
h o n o r : 3/10
t o le r a n c e : 6/10
r e s p e c t : 2/10
e m p a t h y : 3/10
r e s p o n s i b i l i t y : 5/10
d i l i g e n c e : 5/10
p a t i e n c e : 3/10
h u m i l i t y : 3/10
l u s t : 6/10
g r e e d : 5/10
w r a t h : 8/10
e n v y : 6/10
p r i d e : 10/10

"I was trying to make the tea party different and special like me. But all I did was make it chaotic and weird... like me."

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t a l e n t s . & . a b i l i t i e s .
Eris can manipulate anyone to her own advantage. A lot of arguments were started because of her machinations. She can lie and scheme like no other.

w e a k n e s s e s .
Interestingly, Eris is never mentioned as having a weakness. She has never started something she couldn't finish. The one thing that can be said is that she is hated by all the other gods and goddesses.

s t y l e .
Disordered Manipulation; she is known for causing trouble and conflicts among the gods and mortals.

m a g i c / p o w e r s .
Dark Secret Sensing: It would seem that Eris has the ability to sense a person's darkest secret and use it against them.
Discord Inducement: Eris can cause conflict/disagreement/incompatibility between others to disorganize individuals/groups or cause internal strife. The effects of her ability can range from minor disagreements to violence that could instigate global altercations (e.g. wars, genocide, etc.).
Chaos Inducement: Eris can cause chaos in any scale, from minor disorder, confusion and/or disobedience, up to causing massive storms, destruction, loss of laws and order to cause mass panic, etc.
Chaos Power Link: Eris has her chaotic nature connected to her powers and uses it to control them. The discord fuels the powers and allows them to be strengthened and utilized on various levels.

w e a p o n s .
Her multiple silver finger claw rings could count as a weapon.

"But I do like tea! Every tea! All the teas! Chamomile, Earl Grey, green, white, yellow, mate, lemon, ginger, chai, spearmint, peppermint, hibiscus... [inhale] ...cinnamon, pumpkin spice."

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All of Ascim and many gods and goddesses were invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. Eris, however, was not invited. Angered, she arrived at the wedding in secret, and tossed a golden apple with the inscription "To The Fairest" on it. Most of the gods recoiled from this, and most goddesses as well. However, Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite did not recoil, believing they were the fairest, and argued over it. Hilariously, when Artemis saw this situation, she got up and went to Dionysus and took five bottles of his alcohol and left.

Eventually, they consulted Zeus, but the king of the gods did not want to get on any of their bad sides, so he chose a mortal named Paris to judge them. Hera offered him jurisdiction over a large piece of land, Athena offered him wisdom, and Aphrodite offered him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris chose Aphrodite and this caused a war between the gods known as the Trojan War. Later, he married Helen of Troy, which caused war between Troy and Greece.

After that, Paris proclaimed that Aphrodite is the most beautiful goddess (because of Helen), she gave him the love in his heart for Helen and stole her from the Greeks. He took her to troy and because of the feud between the Greeks and Trojans, this was the final straw. The trojan war started. Eris rode a chariot with Ares with Enyo beside of her chariot. After the war ended, Athena and Hera hated Aphrodite.

Two mortals named Polykethos and Aedon claimed to be more in love with each other than Zeus and Hera. This angered Hera so much, she sent Eris to wreak havoc on them. She went and saw the two. Polykethos was making a chariot, and Aedon was weaving. Eris offered a challenge, the last to finish would have to present the other with a female slave. Aedon won, and Polykethos was angry. Polykethos grabbed Aedon's sister and disguised her as a slave. Aedon was furious, because she tormented the slave. She chopped her son up, whom Polykethos loved dearly, and fed him to him in a stew. The two then quarelled and kerfuffled, until the gods turned them into birds.

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• Eris's kids all are personifications of wrong doings or negative situations, such as pain, fights, murder, lies and forgetfulness.

r e l a t i o n s h i p s .
Persephone was unknowingly blessed by Eris as an infant. Over the years, Persephone would be haunted by "a feeling" that became harder to ignore as she grew up and even dreamt of eyes spying on her. Much to Persephone's horror, she recognizes her eyes from her nightmares. As Eris demands that Demeter tell the story of Persephone's birth and blessings, Eris reveals that she had also blessed Persephone.

Demeter is shown to be just as afraid of Eris as the rest of Ascim. Demeter was deemed to be Eris' "favorite" during the trial. Eris encouraged her to keep talking about how Zeus had wronged her over the years. When she begged Zeus to only punish her and spare Persephone, Eris mockingly states she wished for a mother who loved her as much as Demeter loved Persephone. Eris then demands Demeter tell the story of Persephone's birth and the blessings she received from the Goddesses. Unknown to Demeter or anyone else, Eris was one of the Goddesses that blessed Persephone as an infant.

"Since you went through so much trouble just to get here, I'll let you in on a little secret. You know the dude with the stupid mustache that died in his bunker? That guy was kind of my fault, but it got out of hand when he started having his men round up and kill people by the dozens. My specialties are in mischief and strife, not murder. Would I do it again? Hard maybe. But if he does anything stupid, I'll drag him to Tartarus by his ear. Not having that fiasco happen again. I'm already in enough trouble with Zeus for that as is."

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘛𝘺𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang