Chapter 8

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Nicki p.o.v


Sb: Nicki listen I love u and I was wondering can we get back together. I swear I'll do better

Nicki: no u had ya chances. YUH FUCK IT UP *starts to cry* YUH DECIDED TO HIT ON ME N SHIT........IM FUCKING TIRED OF YA BULL SHIT GOODBYE

I walk out the store with Bey following. We decided to walk on this famous outdoor shopping place for famous people. But, when we got outside paparazzi was there.

Me and Bey hold our heads down as we walk to our cars.

Bey: see u when I get there

Nicki: ok see ya

Drake p.o.v

Me and my home boy Chris decided to go to some outdoor shopping place for famous people. I decided to buy Nicki and me matching ring she'll never forget. But I hope no shit won't fuck up my day.

And again sorry if this was short I'm updating later because I have more time by myself

Love Ya girl ~ dricki (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now