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A/N: Apologies for the late publish lol. Get ready for a long chapter! Lyrics used is from 'Something about us' by Daft Punk

The group of friends are standing outside a house one street away from the harbour. Through the double-glazed windows are strobing flashes of colour and lively people chatting or dancing. It's a townhouse, older than Lotte's own home though, with beige stones instead of bricks and unpolished sandstone serving as the porch. Some people are also outside, dressed in their tightest clothes or brightest outfit to celebrate the New Year ahead.

"This is looking manageable," Lotte says to Yujin next to her.

Yujin is wearing her highest heels and a rainbow dress (she said whilst walking she wanted to stand out), "manageable? This is looking fun! It's not a rave or anything but it'll do."

Lotte chuckles, "I forgot how much you go out."

"I go out enough to barely graduate," The girls laugh at Yujin's reply but they stop when she turns her head back to the boys a step behind, "your man needs to be more accepting of his situation though like look at him."

Lotte turns her head to see Minhee and Hyeongjun absolutely deflated. Their visions are either on the concrete path or at the star-filled sky. "Guys?" Lotte asks, "hello?" They snap their heads at the sudden attention, "are you guys okay? You have been quiet since we met tonight."

Two days ago, Hyeongjun stomped into the apartment. Tears are falling, his eyes are red, his hands are trembling.

Minhee walks out of his room, "Hyeongjun how was it- Oh my god are you alright?"

"Wonjin," Hyeongjun hyperventilates, "Wonjin is gone. The lighter is gone."

"The lighter you mean-"

"Yes, that one." Minhee leads his friend to the couch, a hand on his back for support. Hyeongjun places his head in his hands, wailing, "I walked into Purgatory to see Seongmin there. He had no emotion on his face, it was only his voice which like stumbled a lot, "I can't find Wonjin and the lighter." And I was freaking out and panicking. I still am. Seongmin and I both think Serim took the lighter and maybe sent him to Hell or who knows? We can't save Lotte. We can't fucking save Lotte."

It's now that the gravity of the situation hits Minhee. In three days he may lose his love. His throat clenches as he frowns, his sight on the floor. As Hyeongjun readjusts his stance Minhee hugs him, "I won't kill her, I promise."

"What- oh yeah we're fine," Minhee replies, drawing closer to his girlfriend, "we're just a bit tired. But when we go in there we're going to liven up, right Hyeongjun?"

Hyeongjun is dissociating for a minute before he snaps back to reality, "oh uh yeah."

"Sure," Yujin says, "let's go then."


Surprisingly, the party hasn't been that bad for Lotte and Minhee. Whilst Hyeongjun in his colourful streetwear and Yujin get to dance their lives away, the couple sit on the old couch in the living room full of people, talking to Lotte's classmates and peers. It's the first time Minhee is meeting them, their faces are bright and fresh and young. The roof lights are off, but lamps and fairy lights (though emitting shades of green and red due to the Christmas season) are switched on. Cups are littered throughout the room and house amongst houseplants and white bookshelves. The TV displays a Spotify playlist; Lotte thinks the songs are playing around the property, but the conversation is too loud to know.

"So what do you do?" One of Lotte's classmates asks.

"I'm travelling right now, but I'm staying in Sydney for a long time," Minhee replies. His hand is on Lotte's, their bodies are magnetised to each other.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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