Here's my story

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My name is Rebeca Armstrong.

I live in Clearwater, Fl.

I won't say my age.


Here's my story then.

When I was like 6 years old my mother passed away. I was left then with my father, he raised me an tried to make me a good young lady. When I turned 13 years old I became a weird kid, to be honest I was happy that way. I liked everything that was related with skate. Some girls at my school called me so many names. Some would say I was a tomboy and even a lesbian. When I entered High School I decided that I would completely change who I was.

I became more girly and I started making friends. Well you could call them that, fri-Ends. To my surprise I was popular at my school. Everybody knew me and thought that I was cool. But a didn't felt good not being me. Skating was the only thing that filled the emptiness of loosing my mother at a young age and I know it sounds stupid but I don't care.

My father was offered a job in Clearwater, Fl. That's were I finished my High School and practically became independent.

And now I'm here at college, with people that I love and I have true friendship with but I feel empty. I mean, they keep saying that I need boyfriend to not be alone but I have them. Why do I feel alone at all? Why do I feel empty?

I'm depressed, because I don't feel myself. You know I can't explain what I feel and it makes me mad. I don't want to let anyone in so easy, that's why I don't want a boyfriend and please I don't need one.

Well I just told you my story let's see what else happens.

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