Chapter 1 - Part 1: Brushing Away the Past

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Leanna gazed around the room, her forehead leaning against the cool windowpane. The morning clouds had given way to a summer rain. The fat raindrops pelted the window, and she sighed, her warm breath forming a foggy circle. Leanna listlessly drew intangible shapes in the disappearing cloud and thought about how she had gotten to this point. As she lifted her head and shifted to find a comfier spot on the worn sofa, her dress rustled softly. The cheap material was wrinkled and poorly cut, but it was all she could afford. She began to regret the tacky colors, and wished she had listened to the dressmaker. Leanna had only ever wanted to impress her husband, but her efforts only seemed to push her further down the rabbit hole. The tacky colors, ridiculous cut, and cheap jewelry only seemed to work on the courtesans that poured in and out of the manor. As she glanced at the dull, drab room, her eyebrows furrowed. She was the duchess of Sihnegh, yet her room was plainer and uglier than the maids quarters. The furniture was worn and of poor quality, the colors were uncoordinated, and the dust that lingered from lack of care gathered as though to mock her. Leanna hated her life, yet desired it at the same time. Her mind pondered what could be done, when at last her eyes landed on the jade comb her father had gifted her before his passing. The comb had been hand carved and imported from an eastern kingdom. It was embellished with delicate jewels, and sparkled when the light hit it. Leanna's mom had brushed her hair with a similar jade comb every night, but one day it was accidentally broken by a kitten. Leanna had kept the pieces as a memento, but having an intact comb allowed her to imagine her mother was still there, singing softly. Leanna rose from the dirty sofa and gently glided across the floor, and sitting down on the stool in front of the dresser, looked herself in the mirror and began to brush.

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