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Cassandra's POV

Right now my sisters, mom and I are all walking down this dirt road. I'm in the back, looking around at a the scenery. 'Wow, it's beautiful it England.' I think to myself, then was brought out of my thoughts when I hear my little sister whine

"This place smells of cow". I giggle a little at her bluntness. 'Ya now that she mentions it, there's a definite aroma.'

"We've been walking for days. Are we lost?". Rosie continues.

"We've been out here for like 15 minutes, row. You'll be fine". I chuckle. Then my mom answered her other question.

"I know these roads like the back of my hand. I'm not lost." She says looking back at us. When she looks aww from us I roll my eyes a little. 'You're totally lost, in more ways than one'. I thought to myself looking to the ground . Then I heard the sound of clicking on the ground, and my mother saying. "Oh look at that, is that a buzzard".

Looking to see where the sound was coming from I see a big horse galloping towards us. "Excuse me." The rider called out as they came rushing past us scaring all of us. I notice how Rosie was really close to the horse but great-fully she backed away in time.

"Sorry. Hope my sister didn't get in the way of your massive horse.". I say with a sassy tone calling out to the rider.

I then hear Rosie whimper and say "my party shoes". In a disgusted and sad tone. I look over at her and pat her shoulder trying to give her some support. Then I heard what sounded like a vehicle.

"Did Simeon say party?" The driver of the golf cart said. I smiled and called out. "Gramps!" I then ran towards him with Rosie close behind me hopping on one foot.

"Cassie! But how wonderful to see you!" My grandfather exclaimed. When I was close enough I gave him a hug the backed away so my sisters and mother could hug him as well.

He then looked at Zoe asking her. "I thought you were going to camp? Wheres your dad?" She just replied with "long story".

Our mom then said. "Dad, you're not supposed to be driving." He then gave her a witty answer.

"I'm not supposed to be driving a car" he said then gestured at the golf cart: "this isn't a car". I just laughed. "Now who wants a lift to the house?" He asked.

"Me!" Rosie immediately said hopping on the back of the golf cart. We then put are suitcases in the cart. "Hit the gas, gramps". Rosie said making Zoe and our mom run after the cart.

"Don't encourage him!" My mom called out. But then they stopped running after a couple seconds. I was just taking my sweet time getting to the house. It's just so pretty and Free out here.

I take a deep breath of the fresh air thinking to myself. 'This little summer vacay is exactly what I need. Zero parental stress. Zero weirdly possessive friends and absolutely zero drama.' Then I see my grandpa and my little sister almost crash. 'Ya I'll get back to that zero drama thing later'.


We were walking in the house as my grandfather exclaimed. "Come in, come in, come in, come in".

Rosie was still hopping on one leg as she got in the house.

"It's all exactly the same". My mom says as she looks around. "This is new". Gramps said making me look over at him. He holds up the mug in the shape of a pug and it began to sing 'god save the queen'. I laughed. "I love it gramps". He just smiled at me.

"So what happened to huck?" Gramps asked. Making me look over at mom. "Oh dad's working". Rosie cuts in. "Yeah, really hard, it's all good though. Zoe got his ticket". I said looking over at Zoe.

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