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Lily Ivy Quinzel was born into a family were her last name served as protection. As who would really want to mess with the Jokers daughter? Well it all wasn't cupcakes and rainbows for the girl, in his eyes she was a ghost. Harley only noticed her when she needed something, JJ was always with a different girl to notice, Kara was busy being the apple to everyone's eye and Mr.J he was always "working".

This left the girl to her own demise where she could do absolutely anything she wanted and who she wanted. Lily was often gone for days at a time, rarely attended school and was always hosting parties in an old warehouse she found. The one person who seemed to notice the girl disappearing was Frost but he didn't dare speak a word. Not out of fear, but out of assurance the girl had given him, she was "safe".

It wasn't always like this, she used to be her fathers little princess, but that all changed when IT the clown popped out. She went from his princess to a ghost in a matter of months. He went from knowing everything about her from her favourite colour to her favourite movie to not knowing anything.

I mean Lily had certainly changed from a small innocent child, she was now a teenager who's favourite movie was 50 shades of grey and her favourite activity was peter Nygma. The pair was often spotted together as the kids of villain's it was normal they had been acquainted.

The pair was often seen with harrison Cobblepot and Amy Harkness. Infact everyone in their small circle had slept with eachother at some point or another. It started off as lily and peter, to lily and harrison, peter and amy to amy and lily and finally to harrison and peter. Although that last one they was really drunk at the time. Amy and lily wasn't drunk at all.

The four was often seen in and out of the warehouse or burgling stores at night. Mainly for alcohol. The group had a collective attendance of 34% punctuality to school. Wasn't as bad as it was last year. well now your up to speed lets get into it.

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