Chapter 42 College Friend

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°•{|Arti's POV|}•°

We arrived at college and get our bags. After that, we entered college and now I'm a second year. "How hard could this be?" I said. "Promise you bro, much more harder" Greg said. "Whatever, I'm sure I'll get there" I said. "Try your best" He said. "Maybe try your best for finding your FUTURE GIRLFRIEND" I said. "For the last she is just my chat mate" Greg said. I walk off and go to my new building. In cupcake's school you don't have to change dorms even though when your in a new grade but in here, we will change our dorms. The bad part is they are now allowing girls and boys be in the same dorm. I'm not even comfortable with girls around.

I go to the counter and they gave me my key. My room is now at 532 which is at the 3rd floor. Finally more closer to the roof.

I arrived at my new dorm and open the door using the key. I then realize that each room has our flags so we can recognize our room. "I guess I can already see my roommate" I said. I look at each room and saw mine. I opened it and it was already designed. The design is the old design from my old dorm. Good thing I thought I have to decorate again.

After a while, I heard the dorm door opened. I step out and saw NK. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "This is my dorm how about you?" She asked. "This is my dorm too" I said. "Wait... We're roommates! Yes!" She said. Lucky me, I thought I have to be roommates with strangers. "Let's hang-out later, let me unpack my things" She said. "Okay, I'll wait you in the sofa" I said. She goes to her room and started to unpack her things while I was sitting in the sofa waiting for her.

After she unpacked her things. She and I hang-out. "Oh yeah let's go to a friend of mine who I wanted to introduce to you" She said. "Sure" I said. We step out of our dorm and locked the door. She then dragged me to a friend of hers.

We arrived at the garden where she said her friend at. After a while of waiting a girl with long hair blue flag with a big star in the middle and little stars in each corner came up to us. "OMG Nouko!!" She said. "Hello besty~" She said and they hugged. "I don't wanna be rude but who is he?" She asked pointing at me. "This is the guy I wanted to introduce to you. Martial meet Balñen, Balñen meet Martial. You can call her Bal and you can call him Arti" NK said. "Nice to meet your Arti" She said. "Nice to meet you too Bal. Say, your name is kinda familiar" I said. "Yes?" She asked. "Never mind" I said. "Anyway, let's get boba. It's the first time Arti is drinking it" NK said. "wait, you NEVER tasted boba before?" She asked and I shuruged my head. "Then lets go and order some in the cafeteria" She said. "Wait. There is boba in the cafeteria?" I asked. "Yes there is" She said. "How come I never heard of it before" I asked. "Cause it's new here to the canteen dummy, now let's go" She said and dragged us both to the canteen.

We arrived at the canteen and order boba in the counter. We sat in the cafeteria together. I took a sip of boba and it was indeed good. "Woah, this is good" I said. "Told you, you would like it" NK said. "What is this little... Black ball thingy?" I asked pointing at the tiny balls in the boba. "It's called pearl" Bal said. "Pearl? As in expensive?" I asked and they laugh while I was left there curious. "Whats so funny?" I asked. "Sorry, sorrys it's just. Haha. It's not actual pearl" NK explained. "Then I can eat it?" I asked. "Yes dummy. Have you never been a Gen-Z?" Bal asked. "What is Gen-Z?" I asked. "I guess you have a lot to learn buddy" NK said.

We started to hang-out outside campus. We enjoyed and learned new things at the same time. I never felt this before. I always hang-out with my siblings and relatives, it's the first time hanging-out with someone who is not part of my blood line.

We then hang-out in the park near our campus. The two of them picked some flowers while I stared at NK. She was pretty with that smile of hers. Wait, why am I even thinking of this? Oh no,no,no,no,no don't tell me.... I'm falling in-love? No! Just no! Impossible!!! I can't!!! I have to pluck out my brain. I can't fall in-love what if she betrayed me like S.E did to dad or hurt me? Lie to me? I couldn't be falling in-love and as a matter of fact, I shouldn't be hanging-out with someone. Ugh! I'm just gonna try to enjoy the time. Don't over think Arti, don't over think. It's not that bad of having friends right?... Hehe... Chill... Chill... "Arti!" NK screamed and I fall to the ground. "Were you day dreaming?" She asked. "Nope just... Looking at the flowers" I said. "Speaking of flowers here" She said and putted a flower crown at my head. "Aww it looks cute on you~" She said and I laugh awkwardly while blushing. "Thanks..." I said. I then noticed Bal silently jumping at the back happy for us. "Ayiieeee looks like there are love birds in my friends~ I'll be the third wheel then but not ruining the moment~ I'll be supporting the moment~" She said. "Shut up Bal. I just putted him on a flower crown nothing else but that" She said. "When are you guys getting married? So I can schedule it" She said and both of us blush. "Bal!" She said. "okay, okay I'll try to chill. But. No promises" She said. "Just shut up, the other students can hear us" She said. "I don't care!" She said. The rest of the day we hang-out and enjoyed. This might be one of the unforgettable moments in college for me.

To be continued...

Published: March 26, 2024

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