Chapter 1 - An important mission.

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'BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!' My allarm clock rang.

I rolled over. It was 5 a.m. Time to get up and go to work. I slowly pulled myself of the bed and yawned. I didn't mind my job. It was well paid and I had come okay coworkers. The only thing that bothered me was that I had to start my work at 6 a.m.

I rubbed my eyes and started getting ready. I got dressed and I fixed my hair. I looked in the mirror. I didn't look the best, but good enough. I grabbed my briefcase and left for work.

I've lived in that small apartment ever since I started college. It was tiny, yes, but big enough for me. It's not like someone visited me anyway.

Soon I made it to work. I clocked in and headed towards my department. You'd think that if a guy works as a mercenary, a goddamn assasin would do something exciting right? Wrong. All I did everyday was boring paper work. My boss, Victim, would give me a mission every once in a while. But that was basically it. I did have a pretty okay team though.

There was Primal, Hazard and Ballista. We were all very different, but we all kinda suited eachother. Primal was the weapon master. They always carried something sharp on them. Hazard was the type of person who would always argue with you, even if he was well aware of being in the wrong. Ballista - the child of the group - a damn nineteen year old who's already been in drug rehab three times. And then me, Agent Smith. The leader, the serious one, the protective one. The best one, as many would say.

I sat down at my desk and pulled out my laptop. I started my work, but I was soon interrupted by one of my team mates:

"Mornin' Shady! How are ya doin' today?"

Ballista walked over to me, holding two cups of coffee that he got at the vending machine.

"Words cannot describe how shit I feel." I replied bluntly.

"Well that sucks. I got you a coffee. Your favourite~" He placed one of the cups on my desk.

I smiled slightly. Ballista might've been annoying at times, but I liked him a lot. You could even say we were friends.

I grabbed the cup and took a sip. The sweet taste of the bitter drink filled my mouth. Yum.

"Thanks kid. What whould I do without you?"

"You'd fall asleep, that's for sure." He chuckled and gave me a gentle bonk on the head. "See ya later Shads."

"You too kid." I smiled and went back to work.

"Oh! And one more thing!" He added.


"British Boy wants to see you."


"I dunno. But you're gonna have to tell me everything! See ya!" He said before walking away.

I thought for a moment. Why did Victim need to see me? Did I fuck something up? Nah, that can't be it. Maybe he just wanted to talk?

Eihter way, I got up and headed towards Victim's office. I got in the elevator and chose the button with the number 10. Victim's office was on the top floor. I wonder why...

Soon, I made it. I walked over to the door and knocked.

"Come in." I heard.

I walked in.

"Ah! Agent! Lovely to see you mate! Take a seat!" Victim exclaimed in a rather happy tone.

I sat down.

"I was told you wanted to see me, correct?"

"Yes indeed. You see, my dear employee, I have a mission for you and your team."

I smiled at the sound of that.

"I'm all ears."

"You see, there is this one guy I need you to capture. He may have some info that I need. Do you think you can do that for me my dear mercenary?"

"Oh I'm absolutely sure I can do that." I smiled. Finally! Something's going on!

"Great! Now, here are the files of the guy. You and your team will go Hunt him down tomorrow. Is everything clear?"

"More than clear boss."

"Amazing! You can leave now."

"Alright." I said as I grabbed the file and headed towards the door.

"Have a good day mate." Victim said in a polite tone.

"You too sir." I replied before leaving the room.

I got in the elevator and went back to my floor. I sat down at my desk and started going through the files. The guy seemed like an easy target.

"Whacha doing?" Ballista loomed over my shoulder and peeked at the files.

"Checking out tomorrow's target."

"We're going on a hunt tomorrow?!" He asked excitedly.

"We sure are!"

"Hell yeah! Oh and by the way, how was British Boy?"

"Eh, nothing special." I shrugged. "Just the usual Victim."

"So you still hadn't notised?"

"Notised what?"

"The way out boss looks at you."

"What do you mean?"

"I think British Boy has a thing for you Shady."

"Yeah, right." I scoffed. I didn't wanna hear that bullshit.

I never liked romantic relationships. I didn't need one and I didn't want one. The only problem was that everyone around me kept telling me to be in one. And it was annoying as hell.


Helloooo!!!! Honestly, I'm quite happy with how this is going!!

More chapters are on the way! :]

Words: 903

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

"Buisness" Partners - A Victim X Agent FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя