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"Reun, put the gun down, man. Let's just talk about this--"

Heeseung's eyes opened wide when he heard his father's voice. He peeked through the corner, for barely a second, but it was enough for him to see the gun in the other man's hand.

Hiding wouldn't be enough this time, heeseung was only eleven, but he knew that.

Heeseung peeked through the corner again, as the two men kept yelling at each other.

Luckily, the man was facing away from heeseung, so the said boy quickly grabbed his farther's phone from the counter and rushed out the room with quite feet.

He went into his room as he slid the phone in his pocket. He walked towards the crib, he touched his baby sister's cheek gently, before picking her up.

It was a struggle to carry her and keep her quiet, but thankfully as she wasn't a fussy baby.

Heeseung opened the door of his closet, and hid inside with his sister, Ha-eun, in his arms. He took out the phone from his pocket, and dialed 911.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"There's a man in my house," heeseung said, his voice low and nervous, "he's fighting with papa and he has a gun."

"What's your name? Where are you right now?"

"H-heeseung.. lee Heeseung. I-- I'm hiding in the closet with my sister." Heeseung answered.

"Good job heeseung. Stay where you are okay? Don't go out no matter what you hear. Can you tell me your address?

"It's apartments number 5--" heeseung was cut off when he heard a loud gunshot. And then another. And then the last one.

"Heeseung?.. Heeseung stay where you are okay? We've tracked your call and help will be there soon."

Heeseung didn't reply.

He couldn't.

He was frozen as he held on to his sister tightly. Hoping that at least she makes it out Alive, she was too innocent... too pure to get hurt.

Heeseung didn't know how long he stayed like that.


As he held on to his baby sister.

But eventually, the closet door opened. Heeseung looked up, Terrified. And the two police officers helped him out.

Everything after that was a blur. Heeseung didn't remember that much, just flashing lights and... body bags.

Next thing he knew he was at the police station. He was sitting In front of two police officers that were looking at him with pity in there eyes.

"Where's my papa?" Heeseung asked.

"Heeseung... son.. you were very brave to call 911, you know that, right?" One of the officer said.

"Where is he?" Heeseung raised his voice, getting frustrated. His eyes were still focused on his lap.

"I know you heard the gunshots. He--"

"He's dead, isn't he?" Heeseung asked bluntly, shocking both the officers. "What about the other man?"

"There seemed to have been a struggle. The other man die make it either." The officer answered carefully.

Crime wasn't uncommon in their part of town, and the officers had seen many kids become orphans.

As sad as it sounded, it wasn't their first time breaking the news. But.. it was the first time that the kid in front of them isn't bawling their eyes out.

"Where's my sister? What will happen to us?" Heeseung questioned. Both the officers glanced at each other, silently acknowledging the maturity of the eleven year old.

"She's safe. She's with an officer right now. We've called child services, do you know what that is?" The officer asked, and heeseung shook his head.

"They're people that will help you find new home, okay? Can you tell me where your mom is, heeseung?"

"Dead, I think." Heeseung answered.


The officer sighed, "any other family member?"

"Just papa." Heeseung shook his head again.

"Okay," the officer scratched his forehead, the look of pity back on his face. "I'm sure we will figure something out. Would you like to see your sister now?"

Heeseung didn't say anything, just nodded.

The officers took heeseung to a room, where a female officer handed him his sister.

Heeseung sat on a chair, his sister in his arms as he stared at her smiling face, blissfully unaware of everything that we down.

"I'm going to take care of you. Always."


Despite the prologue, the book won't be dark. There might be slight mention of trauma, but nothing graphic.

- enjoy reading <3

Have a great day 🦋💗

- Jay's side crush -

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