Plan Of Tragedy

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The scene shows a man in his 40's in prison arrested due to multiple crimes such as assault and murder, he seems to be drawing on the ground which seems to be y/n, he speaks, his voice is tired, raspy and angry

"that boy... all his enemies are useless he has beaten all of 'em but i... i'll bring him fear and tragedy, i'll separate him from his team, kill his family, toy with him, get him in tears 'cuz i know what he fears... he fears losing love... because i know his agony.."

The scene cuts to y/n fishing with moxxie due to them having a break from killing, for a while 

"Woah! Nice one mox!"

Y/n and moxxie are fishing, laughing together and seeming to have a great time

"make sure not to get the wrong fish because you don't know what's co-"

The man in his 40's appears from the water tacking y/n, shooting moxxie in the gut 


The man punches y/n, they both begin fighting each other giving punches and kicks

moxxie struggles to stay up as he reaches for a pistol

moxxie squeezes the trigger but nothing happens and he sees y/n with bruises the man seems to be winning


moxxie exclaims in frustration before reaching for another gun and grabs it, shooting the man in his temple ear

The man stumbles and falls into the lake

the man slowly gets up and grabs out his katana

the police come and shoot the man down causing him to sink

The man is durable so he gets up and begins murdering the police as the police struggle to hold him down

some of the police die, but most are exhausted, the old man gets up and glares at y/n menacingly

"Cut the party time, it's time to take out the trash"

y/n says before charging towards the man

the man punches his gut and tortures y/n with the most extremely painful beatdown ever so painful in fact his pain tolerance can't handle it


Y/N shouts in pain as the man continues doing this the man walks away, not smiling but in his eyes he does enjoy y/n's pain

And y/n is seen burying his face into his palms, sobbing in fear and pain while bruised up 

Loona sees this and is in shock, she hasn't seen him cry, i mean she had seen him cry due to tragedy but not cry over a beatdown

"Y/N!...what did he do to you?"

Loona says concerned

"i-im fine... i don't need help.."

y/n says clearly trying to hide his fear and tears, y/n has never cried to a beatdown before!

"Wanna talk about it?" 

y/n shakes his head

Loona and moxxie look at each other concerned

"i got this mox"

Loona walks up to y/n and wraps her arms around him in a comforting embrace

Y/n reacting to this just CAN'T hide it anymore so he bursts into tears and lets it all out

"Oh, who am i kiddin' it hurts! "

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