Peter sucked in a sharp breathe, shaking his head lightly

"No, it's okay. There's no need to bother Mr. Stark, Karen. It's just a bullet- and it's not even that deep, I can sort this out myself."

Peter spoke with false confidence lacing his voice, Karen didn't protest and Peter made his way home, swinging through the town despite the injury. He winced every time he lifted the arm to shoot a Web, but it wouldn't matter, soon he would get himself all fixed up and he would be better in no time.

He quietly jumped through his window into his bedroom, May was working nights so she wasn't currently in the house.

He made his way to the bathroom as he pulled his arms out of his suit to see the damage.
Damn, the bullet was definitely still in there. He went through the bathroom cupboards, pulling out a cheap first aid kit whilst also retrieving a pair of tweezers.
He opened the small kit, pulling out a gauze as he looked in the mirror, biting the edge of his lip.

The faster he could get the bullet out, the faster it would be over.

Peter couldn't use any kind of pain killing medication to help either. Due to his high metabolism, the amount of pills they had wouldn't do anything, so he decided against them.

He twisted a towel before holding it between his teeth. This was gonna hurt, that was for sure.

He stared into the mirror as he held the tweezers against the wound, mentally counting himself in as he dove the tweezers into his arm to find the bullet,

He clenched his teeth tightly around the towel in his mouth as he searched. After a few moments, he found the bullet.
It was a lot deeper than he had first thought.

The tweezers made their way, grabbing at the bullet as he began to urgently pull them out of his arm, in doing so, he dropped the bullet, whining loudly despite it being muffled by the towel as a tear escaped his eye.

He successfully grabbed the bullet once again, holding it tight as he pulled it out of his arm, muffled screams leaving his mouth.

Once he finally had the bullet and tweezers out of the wound, his eyes were bloodshot, and tears streamed down his face, staining his skin.
Peter opened his mouth, the towel dropping to the floor, teeth marks and spit covering it as he panted and placed both items on the bathroom sink, dropping his body to the floor with his back leaned against the wall.

He grabbed the gauze, wrapping it tightly around the bloody mess he had created before resting his head on his knees, hugging them as he tried to calm himself down.


May pulled her keys out of her pockets, putting all her shopping bags in one arm as she unlocked the apartment door, making her way inside and placing the bags on the kitchen counter

"Peter! I'm home! Are you hungry?"

She waited for a response, but there was nothing.
She walked over to his bedroom door, knocking.

"Peter? You in there?"

When she again, got no answer, she opened the door to see Peter sound asleep, sprawled out across his bed.
She walked over, placing her hand over his head and looking down at him.

'He must've been pretty tired after school. It's pretty rare for him to take naps. I'll just make dinner and wake him up when it's ready.'

She smiled to herself as she leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Peters head before leaving the room after turning the light off and closing the door quietly.

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