Adventure In Action: Character - Elyra

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Name: Elyra (Eh-lye-rah | Eh as in "bet," Lye as in "fly," Rah as in "raw")

Gender: Female

Age: 28 Standard Stellar Cycles

Species: Pretherian/Human Hybrid bonded with a Legacite Symbiont

Occupation: Scavenger turned Galactic Explorer/Peacemaker

Home: Outskirts of the City of Zenithar on Elyxion


Height: 1.7 Lumex  (about 5'7")

Build: Athletic and agile.

Hair: Silver-blonde, a common trait among Pretherians. It is short, practical, and easy to manage, with hidden strands that emit a soft bioluminescent glow, revealing her Pretherian heritage. She frequently wears hats to conceal this glow.

Eyes: Deep blue with specks of silver.

Skin: Chromatophoric Skin (normally white or yellowish tinge depending on the section of Zenithar she's in, but can change at will).

Distinguishing Marks: A luminescent tattoo that activates her symbiotic bond with Zors, located along her forearm.


Traits: Resourceful, sarcastic, fiercely independent, empathetic, secretly vulnerable, quick learner.

Likes: Exploring ancient ruins, starship piloting, sparring (physical training), the quiet of deep space, and solving mysteries.

Dislikes: Authoritarian regimes, being underestimated, betrayal, confined spaces.

Fears: Losing her autonomy, the overwhelming control or influence of Zors, failing to uncover or protect the Pretherian legacy.


Psionic Powers: Telepathy, telekinesis, enhanced intuition (all augmented by Zors).

Combat Skills: Trained in hand-to-hand combat and proficient with various weaponry, both ancient Pretherian and modern.

Camouflage: Her chromatophoric skin allows her to blend into her environment by changing pigmentation and texture.

Other Skills: Expertise in Pretherian technology, skilled pilot, survival tactics, quick adaptation to new environments.


Early Life: Raised by the now deceased Mother Thiomson after being found as an infant next to her dead mother on the battlefield. Bonded with Zors at 13, which changed her life trajectory.

Key Events: Discovery of her Pretherian heritage, her first successful solo scavenging mission uncovering a Pretherian artifact, the moment Zors saved her life during a dangerous exploration.

Current Motivations: Unraveling the mysteries of the Pretherians, mastering her abilities with Zors, protecting the knowledge and power from falling into the wrong hands.


Zors (Legacite Symbiont): A complex bond that grants her psionic powers and access to eons of genetic memory; she's sarcastic towards Zors but deeply respects the bond.

Mother Thiomson: Her mentor and mother figure taught her resilience and the value of knowledge.

Enemies: Captain General - Arganor Sylth - Commandant of human forces on Elyxion.

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