What Lies Ahead

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"Looks complicated," Andrea commented while Shane was cleaning his gun.

"The trick is getting all these pieces back together the same way. I could clean yours. Show you how. Oh yeah. It's a sweet piece."

Andrea looked at him and was silent for a moment before answering," It was a gift from my father. He gave it to me just before Amy and I took off on our road trip. He said two girls on their own should be able to defend themselves."

Shane nodded back at her as he held the gun in his hands," Smart man, your father. Look, it's a it's a limited capacity. See? Only holds seven rounds."

"Oh jeez. " Dale groans as he sees the traffic snarl ahead of them before turning over to Glenn," Aw no. See a way through?"

"Uh, maybe we should just go back. There's an interstate bypass-"

Dale cuts him off," We can't spare the fuel."

Glenn sighs," Jeez."

Their conversation is cut short when a hissing sound erupts through the RV and the vehicle comes to a sharp stop.

Dale muttered a few cuss words as he made his way outside to the front of the RV, the group coming out as well," I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times dead in the water."

Shane walked out of the RV," Problem Dale?"

Dale snorts," Oh, just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no hope of- " he looked around at all the cars around them," Okay, that was dumb."

Addy, who was on the back of Daryl's motorcycle, walked up with the Dixon man to see what the problem was.
Placing a hand over her eyes to avoid the sun.

"Can't find a radiator hose here," Shen muttered under his breath kicking a can away from him.

Daryl looked around into cars and looked back at the group," There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find."

T-Dog put his hands on his hips and looked to Shane," Can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start."

"Maybe some water?" Carol added, which caused Glenn to nod," Or food?"

Lori shook her head and pulled Carl towards her," This is a graveyard. I don't know how I feel about this."

Shane came around to the idea and decided it was time to act," Come on y'all. Look around, gather what you can."

The group splits to go look through cars, Lori, Carol, Carl, and Sophia pass a car that has a dead female in the passenger seat, flies are buzzing around her.

Carol looked down at them," Kids, don't look."

Glenn heads over to the camper where Dale started to work, he looked to see a silent Addy looking through the cars. He decided to ask her father about what happened at the CDC," Hey uh-Dale?"

Dale went through his toolbox and gave Glenn a nod as if to continue speaking.

" Why did you stay with Andrea?"

Dale looked up at Glenn confused, " Because she has more to live for - she needed someone to tell her that. To be there."

Glenn knew it may have been inappropriate to ask the next question but decided to push through," And Addy didn't? "

Dale was speechless as he stared at Glenn.

" I uh- I mean shouldn't Addy be your concern? She almost died there."

Dale sighed and looked down in shame before answering the next question," Addy doesn't need me to look out for her the way Andrea does. Addy is strong she doesn't know it but she is and well Andrea needs to learn how to be strong. "

Together -A Glenn Rhee FanficWhere stories live. Discover now