Magic Springs

Depuis le début

"Save the thanks for after. We're surrounded." Everyone looked around to see several spiders surrounding them with some even dripping venom. "Of course. Not even like they were bad enough without the venom."

"Master! Can I fight these guys?" Mocha asked with some excitement for Izuku to nod. She immediately transformed into her Filolial Queen form and pulled her wings back. "Fast Tornado!"

The spiders behind the group were all being pulled into a tornado with Izuku taking advantage of the attack.

"Zweit Thunderbolt!" The electric current sent shocked all the monsters for them to fall on the ground burnt to a crisp. This surprised Momo and Ochako how in sync the two were for a spider to almost attack them if hawks didn't send a feather through its head.

"Don't just stand there! We've got several more here to deal with!" They came back to reality with Momo creating two metal staffs and giving one to Ochako. Once ready, the two joined the fight with Hawks acting as long distance for the two for the front, while Izuku and Mocha covered their back for each to destroy as many spiders as possible.

2 hours later

"*sigh* Finally, all done." Ochako panted as she was struggling to stand up with Momo not in a better state. Before they continued on, Hawks and Izuku fed pieces of the spiders in their weapons and unlocked two different weapons. For Izuku, this also unlocked a skill for the specific weapon called 'Thread Creation' as well as a 'Poison Resistance' boost that could be added onto himself.

"Alright. Let's keep going. The spring shouldn't be that much farther." Hawks got up to walk towards the front with Izuku doing the same. Before he could, however Izuku began feeling immense pain to collapse on the ground to panic Mocha.

"Master!" She transformed back into her human form to try and help pick him up off the ground. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I just overdid it a bit." His clothing began getting soaked red for Ochako and Momo to notice and immediately try to support him. Once they had a better hold on him, the two helped Izuku up and brought him deeper into the cave.

"You should've told us you were overdoing it, Deku. You can't fight so carelessly right now."

"Uraraka's right.You're not in the best shape right now."

"Sorry. I just needed to do what I could to avoid us getting hurt."

"That doesn't mean you should fight till you hurt yourself. You're already a wreck and this doesn't help. Let us help where we can." Ochako tried to reassure Izuku he didn't have to do any of this alone for him to feel a little dumbfounded. He glanced away a bit ashamed he had thought the way he did.

"Thanks. I'll...I'll try to do a better job in the future relying on you both."

"Don't forget, you have me too master!" Mocha looked up and smiled to make Izuku feel even more happy with the help others have to give.

"Alright. Let's stop this sappy soap opera before I start feeling too many things and forget why we came here." Hawks mentioned for the group to continue going down into the cave. Once they got to a large room, the ground was illuminated by minerals inside of a spring. From how clear it was, you could see the deepest part that could go easily 20 feet down. "Alright. All you have to do now is just bathe in the water. Your call if you wanna strip or not. Doesn't matter."

"Right." Izuku was able to move well enough now where he could get towards the water. When he did, the Cardinal quirk user fell headfirst in for everyone to silently wonder if he was even ok. A few moments after, a strange dark haze came from where Izuku went in before disappearing and him swimming to the surface. "OH THAT'S COLD!"

"You feel any better now?"

Izuku unbuttoned his shirt and pulled off the bandages to present his chest completely healed to smile a bit. "Much. Thanks for the help."

"Just doing what I gotta to make sure we don't lose since we all die if you do. If you wanna help train the girls and the squirt, there's an area near here that holds a lot of monsters. Just make sure you do something with the corpses when you're done so they don't cause problems."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Feed them to the girl over there eating a spider." Hawks motioned to Mocha who was in her bird form eating a spider corpse whole with no worry.

"Sometimes the fact she's an omnivore scares me more than it should." Izuku states this with a little disgust with everyone not that far off from his logic.

Meanwhile, with Bakugou

Bakugou had sat in his room contemplating what had gone on in a matter of days. The power of Izuku's Curse Series on full display against a monster strong enough to kill All Might, the Waves and how dangerous of a threat they pose, the members of Seayetto and their weapons, and the Vanguards of the Waves as they're called with the woman that was able to capture him and nearly kill Izuku. He continued thinking about this with anger, realizing that he's so far behind someone like Izuku that he was a liability in the first Wave. "DAMMIT!" He punched the wall in anger while remembering the next to no effects done to Myne as she used the Curse Series. "I hate admitting it, but the nerd's got a worse situation than me. But that Curse Series thing. Maybe he'd be able to do more if he'd have better control over it." A smirk came to his mind thinking about the possibility of how to get Izuku better. "Maybe if he keeps using it, his body will get more used to the strain. It's a natural thing when you keep pushing your limits that your resilience is better."


"I'M COMING, YOU HAG!" Bakugou stood up and walked out of the room with a smirk on his face. 'If that thing's called a Wrath Series, maybe giving Deku something to be angry about will help make it stronger and get him stronger.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Ochako and Momo joined Izuku's party more due to a Slave Crest ritual. Before anyone goes after me, Izuku is literally only using the 'Never Lie' trait it uses. Also, the bit with Hawks shows that yeah, Izuku's life was in the dumps. However, that doesn't mean the alternative actually was the better case. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 15 ⏰

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