When I came out to my father, he covered my mouth and told me to shush. To remain the perfect little princess, to become the ultimate token for him to marry off to one of the wealthy family's of atlas. A chip in his game. I was the only daughter he still considered his after disowning my older sister for the same thing I was confessing. The only difference...I was all that was left for his fortune, he couldn't marry off my brother, but im free reign.

When I told my mother, she cried. Not for herself but for the hardships her daughter would endure. It's not exactly okay in the aristocracy of atlas, at least not I'm my family's eyes. My mother locked herself in her room and drank two whole bottles of vodka, then tried to jump out het window, but she failed. My father caught her. I wonder if that was a worse fate than the alternative.

When I came out to my big sister, she slapped me across the face, but then pulled me into a hug. She too cried. She cried for the little girl she was, the one she was seeing standing in front of her now in the form of her younger sister. She cried because she knew she couldn't protect me.

" the world was never prepared for us weiss."

She told me, holding onto my shoulders tightly.

"That doesn't mean that we don't belong, or that we are in the wrong, but that we have to rebuild the world for our basic understanding."

Then she was gone again, back to her academy to study. She couldn't take me with her, even though she wanted to. The astranged daughter of the all mighty schnee family would never be able to gain custody of her little sister.

My brother didn't even understand. He cried about our sister. He believed fathers lie that she abandoned us. Winter would never abandon us. She was forced out because she was gay and father still had me. His extra heiress. His extra bargaining chip. Winter was expendable the moment I was born and I hated it.

Easy to say I left as soon as humanly possible. I applied to every combat school accept atlas, even though I was 100% assured a spot in the latest class because winter had taken a job as a general in the army, and was assured her little sister would be just as bright.

When I got the letter to beacon, I was extatic, I wanted so badly to get so far away from atlas and its aristocracy aka my family. When winter found out, she was extatic. Father didn't want to send Me away, he wanted to keel his Puppet close, but winter gave him the choice, let Me go to beacon or be charged with kidnapping and restraint. He obviously chose beacon. Whitly begged Me not to go, or for me to take him with me, anything to not stay with our parents.

Winter and I made the joined decision that day. Winter was 21 and legally allowed to sue my parents for child abuse and adopt whitey and I. She had been waiting to do it until she had a stable job. I always knew the plan, it was me who convinced her to go through with it. When we told whitly, he was extatic, and didn't hesitate to jump straight in the car that would take us away from that hell hole.

The court of course ruled in our favor. It was the word of two parents, one a documented alcoholic, and one already was fighting abuse charges from winter previously. All three of us testified against our family, whitly was only eleven and winter and I were so glad he could spend his horrible teenage years with two loving sisters instead of a abusive ass and a extreme alcoholic.

Not only was custody of me and whitly stripped from father, but he was sent to jail for assault and battery of us. When he used to hit whitly and I would run in front of my little brother like winter used to do for me. We had been taking that shit for years and finally he was getting punished for it. The schnee dust company was given in full to me Andy siblings. Winter wanted to stay in the army, and I wanted to become a huntress, so at only eleven, my little brother became the CEO of the most successful dust company in the world.

When the choice came to change our last name, we all refused. We may have been raised by abusive schnees, but it was still our name. It held importance to us, we wanted to fix our legacy, to have a name our kids were proud to call theirs. Our mom did come to live with us eventually once she got out of remission.

I started at beacon in the fall, and it all started when I met her.

Ruby Rose

She was a couple years younger than me. She bumped into me like a total dolt at the beginning of the year, the moment I looked at her I know I lit up like a Christmas tree. I was probably as red as a cherry. I knew that she was undeniably the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and for some reason my traumatized brain decided

'OH! A hot girl that I like. Let's be a complete jerk to her! Yeah! Good plan!'

I was a total jerk to her, I thought she was selfish and immature when I was the one who didn't know how to Handle my feelings.


I pulled myself out of my thoughts and looked around from where I was studying in the library.

There she was. After all the crap I had put her through, she still wanted to be my partner, not in a romantic way, my training partner, bit lord I wished she was more. I smiled at the shorter girl as she plopped down next to me, het arms crossed and face formed into a pout. I smirked.

"What happened this time ruby?"

She let out a lip trill and pulled her red hood over her black hair.

"Cardin is being a jerk to Blake and velvet again. I want to stop him but-"

"Ruby, no."

She turned her silver eyes to face mine in surprise. I reached over her head and tugged her hood off oh her head, leaving her dark hair a static mess. I sighed and shook my head. When I opened my eyes she still looked like a confused puppy.

" Look ruby, there will always be..."

A picture of my father came into my mind the instant I thought about the right word to use for cardin. The bully was way to much like jhock schnee and it bothered me to say the least.

"There will always be people in the world who don't agree with the right things, but we cant force them to see our way, we just got to ignore it."

She looked down at her hands and I could tell that she was frustrated. She was always so hard headed especially when it came to the people she loved. I moved my hand and lifted her chin so she was looking at me. I turned red as a tomato but the dark haired girl just smiled and leaned into my hand.

"Okay weiss. I trust you. "

1253 words

Hello all, I know there is some controversy with Rwby being a acctuall anime, but it brought me into the Japanese world of beautiful cinematography so here we ate. I hope you all like it!

-welcome to my world

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