The Small Escape

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Hello? Can I help you? I snap out of my frozen state, releasing a breath I was holding all this time. Jungkook was back, standing by his door, and I couldn't have been happier. The windows were closed, but I could still hear the conversation, it was just a bit muffled.
Yo! Sup dude?
How about you starting by getting off my car? They took a step back, but they are still too close for my liking.
My bad, didn't know this was yours. I heard a small thud, my guess was he placed our ice cream on the roof. He walked to the front of the car. I started being scared again. The stranger looked like a troublemaker. Even if I knew Kook was a great boxer I still didn't want him to fight. I would be fully useless.
It is, so just leave.
Sure man, but I'm curious. How do you use this beauty in bed? I felt disgust. What kind of pervert asks strangers about their sex life like that?
The fuck is wrong with you? Seems like he felt the same way.
Roleplay? I saw Kook reaching under his jacket, my eyes widened in horror when I saw what he pulled out. A gun. I had no idea he owned one. He aimed it at the stranger.
How about you fuck off? His hand went up in defense, backing up quickly.
Dude chill! Was just wondering how she felt. Jungkook's jaw clenched, his tongue poked the inside of his cheek. I didn't want him to shoot. His head slightly turned toward the car, he was mad, but suddenly his features softened. He had to have noticed my fear.
Just go..
Whatever dude! You're insane! He threw his arms in the air dramatically and simply walked away. I fell back on my seat, holding my chest. I closed my eyes trying to relax. What a way to attempt to fix my anxiety! I got startled when my door opened.
Babe, are you OK?
You.. You have a gun? Guilt was written all over his face.
I do. It's only for safety. He held my face, inspecting it closely. I lean into his touch, already feeling my heart calm down. I never shot it.. I didn't mean to scared you..
I'm alright.. My voice came out barely like a whisper. He pulled me into a hug.
I'm so sorry baby, I didn't saw him. I should have check on you more. I pat his back.
Kook I'm fine. He pull back. I got scared.. but I'm better now. He squeeze my hand, grin coming back to his lips.
Let's go home. I nod. He went around before jumping behind the wheel.
Wait! He raise a brow confuse by my interruption. The ice cream..
Oh right. He chuckle, retrieve it from the roof before turning the car on to head to our safe place.

On monday we did meet up with the doctor once more. After explaining what happen, mostly Jungkook was chatting. He was pretty upset by it all and I guess he need someone neutral to talk to. My therapist recommend to maybe keep me away from his family for now, but that he shouldn't push them away. Kook was not a huge fan of it. He hate that his family couldn't accept me and said as long that they don't he shouldn't give them attention. Good thing that my therapist remind him that they were still important in his life and they might just need more time. He argue that after almost three years they should get over it. I remind him that most of it was probably my fault and maybe I need to prove them that I wasn't with him just for money. He didn't want to hear anything about blaming me for it all but I stood my ground. Doctor recommend that since I couldn't get a normal job I could try to find an online one. I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner! It was a great idea and I look at my option as soon as we got home that day. Jungkook kept telling me I didn't had to but I explain to him that I should at least try. After a small argument, I told him I was doing it for myself also not just his family, he gave in and decide to support me.

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