Ch 2: Shinra, Turks and Remnants

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Shinra's Turks

The Turks of Rufus Shinra, a prominent group with a rich and complex history. Originally, they were introduced as a secretive covert operations unit working for the Shinra Electric Power Company, the Turks are known for their elite skills in espionage, assassination, and other shady dealings. Led by enigmatic figures such as Rufus Shinra and Tseng, they have been involved in numerous key events throughout Midgar. From protecting important individuals like Aerith to clashing with protagonists like Cloud Strife, the Turks always find themselves at the center of conflict. Despite their villainous tendencies, they also display moments of humanity and loyalty towards their comrades. Overall, the Turks offer a fascinating insight into the morally ambiguous world of Midgar and beyond. Kadaj, the leader of the Remnants of Sephiroth, posed a significant threat to Shinra and their plans for controlling the world. Reno and Rude saw him as a dangerous enemy who needed to be stopped at all costs. They knew that taking on Kadaj would not be easy, but they were determined to do whatever it took to protect their president and ensure the safety of the planet. Kadaj was cunning and ruthless, with a powerful connection to Jenova's cells that gave him incredible strength and abilities. But they also knew that he had weaknesses that could be exploited. When the time finally come to face off against Kadaj and his gang, Reno and Rude will be ready. Despite Kadaj's formidable powers, they have to be stopped. Reno and Rude focused on the outskirts of Midgar while Tseng and Elena focused on inner areas. "Hey, Tseng, what exactly are we looking for that these ass rats need that's so important?"

Tseng glanced over at Elena, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Ass rats, huh? That's a new one," he replied, before turning serious once more. "We're looking for any clues or information that could lead us to the source of Kadaj's power. From what I found out, they are after Jenova, and it can't be good for Midgar or anyone else for that matter." Elena nodded in understanding, her eyes scanning the area for any signs of trouble. "Got it. Let's make sure we find this Jenova thingy or whatever it is before they do." As they continued their search, Tseng couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping up on him. Kadaj and his gang were not to be underestimated, and he knew that they would stop at nothing to achieve their goals. But with Reno and Rude on the outskirts and himself and Elena on the inside, they had a fighting chance. "Our chances are at stake but, we won't back down." Tseng said confidently to Elena as they pressed on with their assignment.

In the meantime, Rufus remained at Healen Lodge. Looking through paperwork and sorting out what known information he had gathered from when Kadaj paid a visit. He meticulously went through each document, trying to piece together the puzzle of Kadaj's motives and intentions. As he sifted through the papers, a pattern began to emerge - a trail of breadcrumbs leading him closer to the truth. Rufus knew he had to tread carefully. Kadaj was a dangerous adversary, and any misstep could have dire consequences. But Rufus was determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the documents before him. As he delved deeper into the paperwork, Rufus couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more at play here. Something bigger than just Kadaj's vendetta against him. He sensed a larger conspiracy brewing, one that threatened not only his own safety but the safety of those he cared about. With renewed determination, Rufus continued his Investigaton, determined to unravel the mystery surrounding Kadaj and his sinister plans.

*Shinra Electrical Power Company*

Two years ago, was a wild time in the world of politics. President Shinra, the head honcho of Shinra Electric Power Company, met his untimely demise at the hands of Sephiroth, a rogue member of SOLDIER with some serious power. People were speculating left and right about what this meant for the future of Shinra Inc. and who would take over as president. Some folks even believed that Sephiroth had some ulterior motive behind his actions, but no one could say for sure. Needless to say, it was a dark day in history when President Shinra bit the dust thanks to that silver-haired madman. Rufus took a moment to think back when himself and the president had their last conversation before his death. Rufus wasn't very much anything like his father. President Shinra was too far into his own greed than to care for his own son. Rufus remembered how his father had dismissed his concerns and aspirations, always prioritizing his own political agenda over their relationship. The president's cold demeanor and lack of empathy had left Rufus feeling isolated and unimportant. Despite his efforts to connect with his father, Rufus knew deep down that he would never truly understand or support him. As he reflected on their last conversation, Rufus realized that he needed to break free from the toxic influence of his father and forge his own path, one that was true to himself and his values. It was time for Rufus to stand up for what he believed in, even if it meant going against the man who was supposed to be his father. Rufus looked at his father with a stoic expression, annoyance coming over him. "So, exactly when do you think your games will end, father? This ridiculous control of having power is certainly wearing you out. Aren't you tired yet?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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