PERHAPS (short chapter)

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((Since I went on a hiatus for months, I decided to make two chapters, albeit this one is short. Forgive me, since this is what all I can do in my scarce time.))

Blade's POV:

"Perhaps it's time to let go of that rage." I heard the door open, I quickly turned my head around only to see Y/N standing at the doorway. He approached me casually and smiled with a soft smile. That smile... 

It's familiar. About a certain reckless foxian, that in the end she was turned into an abomination.

"What are you yapping about now?" I replied, with a frown at Y/N. He only smiled despite my harsh words to him. 

"You hold a lot of anger in your heart. That's not good..." Y/N simply said. I scoffed, feeling more irritated in the presence of this insufferable pacifist of a man. As if the world was rainbow and sunshine... 

"Tch... You don't even know the situation between me and her... Are you-" I felt myself got cut off when Y/N chuckled.

"Your past with Jingliu has nothing to do with me, just the same as your past. However, what I can understand is that anger in your heart." Y/N sighed and rested his arms on the railings of the balcony. "Perhaps it is a bit sensitive to suddenly act like this, maybe I don't understand your anger, but only when anger is deep, then that your heart becomes shallow."

"But only.. when anger is deep... then that your heart... becomes shallow?" I repeated his words with a stunted and delayed reply. I glared at him. "What do you mean?"

"Perhaps, even after this talk, you won't understand what I mean. Perhaps, you'll maybe understand it. However, I want to be clear to you. Despite the fact that I don't know you." Y/N placed his hand on my hand, I immediately felt the warmth of his hand.


"You're just going to hurt yourself in the end." Y/N's words sounded so convincing, my glared softened into a gaze, as I felt my legs get weaker. What is this guy doing to me? Some type of black magic!?

"Perhaps, you've heard these words be said to you a thousand times yet you blocked your heart to understand it... However just this once, if you could see your own suffering treading along this path of desolation... Then listen to me..."

"What do you even gain from helping me...?" I muttered, with a hateful tone. Y/N only once more, gently chuckled. As if right now, I was nothing more than a sulking child in front of a parent. 

"Hmm...? Perhaps.. a friend." Y/N answered my question. As I can only remain speechless after what he said. 

"Perhaps... huh? You sound unsure..."

"That's because I am, in the end. I am not you. You are not me. And we have no relation. What I'm doing is probably just giving an empty advice to you, however I want you to know that this advice comes directly from my heart, and not to discombobulate the rampant feelings in your mind." Y/N spoke, the more he spoke, the more I got irritated, yes I hated this man. 

No perhaps I hate myself right now, because right now... I can't help but admire the man right in front of me. He didn't wield a sword, yet his words alone can save thousands.

Perhaps, I can understand why Jingliu is around this man after all. "I see..." I eventually gave up and made  calm reply, my expression softened up as I could see Y/N visibly have a brighter smile.

Perhaps... perhaps if you were there when the High-Cloud Quintet still existed, perhaps you could have been the light that binds all of the five of us together...

Perhaps... if you were there with us... you could have been our savior. 

"Wanna be yours." READER X JINGLIUWhere stories live. Discover now