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The first day of her school went full of cries, she was crying a lot and missing her mon because she was living with her grandparents ( Nani & Nanaji). She had to go to school by bus. On the  first day of school she started vomiting because she wasn't familiar to bus.

            The next day she was crying a bit. Then after a week or two she stopped crying and she got attached to her class teacher. She used to like her teacher, her teacher was a good person.

                        She used to score highest in her class

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                She used to score highest in her class. She was a bright student. As the class starts her teacher used to give her chocolate. Khushi was happy with her cute life.

           Next year she went to KG2 ,she first cried a lot,  because she was missing her class teacher. This class teacher was not good, she was rude . She cried a lot that her teacher has changed her class.
                After some days, she made friends,  one of her friend was her best friend,  but she was not a good friend. After knowing about her best friend then also Khushi was good and kind to her.

           One day at school khushi had a fight with her best friend. Then later  she started annoying her.
         Khushi said loudly STOP! The teacher took her to the principal and then the principal told to give her a punishment,  that she has to sit for one period in other class. She didn't knew that,  her KG teacher liked her so she didn't told her because she would feel bad. She got to know when the other teacher were telling " If any one talks they will also get punishment like her". She felt very bad and became sad.

           When the period was finished she went back to her class.  In the class her friends said " look, you saw" . The thing about Khushi was that she doesn't cry when she gets hurt .
                      AFTER ONE YEAR
     Khushi told her grandfather " I am going to KG3"? Her grandfather said " no now you are going to 1st class". She told her grandfather " why 1st, I already did KG1", then her grandfather answered " after KG1 & KG2 you will go to 1st", she said "ohhhh".

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