Chapter 2: The Showdown In The Tavern

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In the midst of the choking darkness of the deepening twilight forest, with occasional wolf howls piercing the air, we continued our journey after facing the "hostages" with a mix of tension, exhaustion, and alertness.

In the midst of the choking darkness of the deepening twilight forest, with occasional wolf howls piercing the air, we continued our journey after facing the "hostages" with a mix of tension, exhaustion, and alertness

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Still a bit confused and frightened by what had just happened, my steps became heavier. Not only that, now I had to support a guy on my right shoulder. Yes, me, on my right shoulder, and Val on her left shoulder.

"Can you walk properly?" Val yelled angrily.

"I'm walking," I retorted, "what's your problem?"

"Don't you feel you're too slow? We've been walking for over 50 minutes from our previous position and haven't even covered a complete 4 kilometers," Val said, unfriendly, "don't you realize it's already so late? We'll be punished when we reach the barracks."

"Punished? And what is all this about, why are you blaming me? You yourself know that I'm not yet in top condition, and I'm still confused and tired from what I've just faced, not to mention we're now carrying a man as heavy as myself. Of course, my steps are getting heavier," I replied, irritated.

"Ah, you have so many excuses, just save your energy for walking instead of complaining."

Then, she stopped for a moment, took a breath, and sighed, "Ah, forget it, I was too harsh on you considering it's your first day

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Then, she stopped for a moment, took a breath, and sighed, "Ah, forget it, I was too harsh on you considering it's your first day. Besides, there's no point in arguing since we're almost there. About 50 steps more, do you see the light over there?"

I nodded, and my mood improved. "This is how it should be, a woman should be understanding and gentle, not like a gorilla," I muttered to myself.

Her words had lightened my steps, and before I knew it, we were standing right in front of a door.

"Huh? What's this?" I asked.

"What kind of stupid question is that?" Val asked.

"Stop belittling me, but how am I supposed to know if I can't read the writing above the door?" I replied irritably.

"You don't need to read to know it's a diner. You're such an idiot!" she retorted, and her rough demeanor resurfaced.

"Huh? But didn't you say you were going to take us back to the barrack?" I asked.

[VOLUME 1] N.E.X.U.S. : InceptionWhere stories live. Discover now