Chapter Two

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"Where are you?"

Darcy's voice shot through her phone, as she pressed it against her ear. She struggled to lift the trunk, thankfully her brother came over, pulling the door upwards, allowing her to pick up their luggage, and put them into the car.

"I'm sorry, I'm on my way, I had to wait for P, he forgot to pack his bag last night," She said, Pietro looked at her, frowning at her lie.

He glares but doesn't say anything. She waved her off, pushing the suitcases further into the car. Darcy sighed, "he should've done that last night."

"I know but— Fuck!" She exclaimed when the trunk slammed against her back. Panic immediately hit the other line, as Wanda watched her brother die of laughter, "What's wrong?"

She shook her head, clenching her jaw. Wanda grunts, lifting her hands, and pushing back, "Nothing, you will call when we get there, okay?"

She pulled herself from under the trunk door, as Darcy hung up, her brother was already sitting inside the car, by the time she closed it.

She pinched his arm, as soon as she got into the passenger seat, "Asshole."

He sticks out his tongue like a child, "Liar."

She rolled her eyes, as Pietro started the car. She reached up, grabbed her seatbelt, and buckled herself in, as her twin left their (former) lawn.

She stared at the window, as he drove, looking at buildings and pubs when they passed by. The airport was 30 minutes away, she sat there silently waiting, tapping her fingers against the leather compartment, following the rhyme as the song played through the speakers, as Pietro hummed to it.

She nodded her head, slowly, closing her eyes. Her or his phone must have automatically connected to Bluetooth because song that played through the speakers didn't come on the radio anymore. It was a song that held so many memories with her. She has a faint memory of her mother humming the melody to her, she remembers Pietro holding her hand and singing it softly to her when she was scared.

She remembered someone else doing it as well.

After a few more songs, they made it to the airport, and got out, as soon as Pietro had found the area he was supposed to park the rental.

The pair walked the hall, Wanda pulled out her phone, as Pietro shrugged up the bag on his shoulders, his grip on the handles of the suitcases tightening, "do you think we have enough time to get some coffee?" He asked, his eyes looking towards the Starbucks that stood at the end of the hall.

Wanda shrugged her shoulders, unlocked her phone, getting ready to call Darcy back, "Dee probably already has you some."

He nodded, before looking down towards all of the stands, as they walked closer to them, Wanda grunted, tapping away on her phone, he wanted something to eat. Wanda was in such a hurry, she was rushing both of them out of the house before he could even grab a banana to smack on.

He wants a cinnamon roll.

His mouth waters at the thought of the soft glaze snack. Wanda bites down on her bottom lip, turning off her phone, "Darcy's at the entrance, our flight leaves in an hour."

He smiled, "Well, then that gives us enough time."

He turned towards one of the cafes, bringing them on a detour, Wanda frowned, following behind him, "for what?" She asked, then she saw her answer, as he rushed into Auntie Anne's.

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