Chapter One

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Natasha was never a morning person.

She despised getting up at unreasonable hours. She would love to be lazy, sit in her bed for days, and be suffocated by her soft cushions and covers.

She wouldn't mind sleeping forever.


That all changed when she became a mother.

Slowly opening her eyes, a gentle blow of air left her lips, as she released a sigh. A small figure came into her foggy view, she blinked, clearing her vision to see her gorgeous daughter, with her fingers tightly wrapped around a brown mug, which she held close to her chest.

Scarlett smiles, widely, looking down at her mother. Natasha's lips curled upward, a chapped smile forming on her mouth. She pushed her elbows down on the bed, pulling herself up from her laying position, to rest her back against her headboard.

She reached out to wrap her hands around the mug, taking it from her daughter's fingers. Allowing her daughter to crawl onto the bed, Scarlett had watched her mother make coffee so many times that she had learned to do it herself.

She brings the mug to her lips, taking a small sip of the cold java. Although her daughter added a little too much sugar and too little milk, she was grateful.

"Good morning, princess."

Her daughter's eyes, sparkling in the morning's light, slightly widened as she smiled, "Morning, Mommy."

She sat the mug down on her bedside table, as she moved to the edge. "Thank you for waking me. Did you do your routine?" She asked, Scarlett jumped off the bed, as Natasha stood.

"Yes, I cleaned too!" She said, proudly, holding up Natasha's red robe that previously hung on the door. Natasha gently takes it from her daughter's hands, nodding her head, "Good, I'm proud of you."

She didn't know her daughter's smile could get even wider. She lifted her robe behind herself, pulling her arms through the sleeves, "Baby, do you mind going to watch TV while mommy gets ready?" She asked, tying the string of the robe into a knot around her waist.

She hummed, and jogged away, without a second thought, causing her mother to shake her head. She understood why though, Natasha doesn't give the little girl a lot of TV privileges, so when she does have some, she takes it without a care.

Natasha entered the bathroom, quickly deciding to take a shower first, before doing her facial routine. She walks towards the shower, pushing back the glass door, to reach for the knob. She twisted and turned the hot and cold knobs until it was the right temperature.

She sighed, softly, when she entered, as the soothing water poured over her. She grabbed her bottle of sweet rose water-scented body soap and pressed out some onto her loofah. She wets it, before putting the loofah on her body and rubbing it down her chest and neck, cleaning herself.

She stays in the shower, for a few minutes after she finishes cleaning, enjoying the feeling of the warm water against her skin, before deciding to leave when it gets cold.

After she turned off and exited the shower, she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her hair. Then ties the robe across her waist, walking towards her sink. She turned on the faucet and started her routine.

She had finished moisturizing her skin, and began to wash her mouth, when the sound of tiny patting hit her ears, which caused her to pause, as a voice shouted:

"Mommy, call!"

Her brows furrowed, as Scarlett waved her phone, gripping it tightly in her hand, making sure not to drop it, Natasha smiled, muttering a thank you, as she took the phone from her daughter's fingers.

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