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Amani Perish YouTube
Day In A Life
" good morning everyone Kylie is over there but stormi is in her room. I'm not gonna bother her because she hasn't slept at all yesterday so I'm gonna leave her alone and have a business meeting today. I think babe do I have a meeting today I forgot."
" technically, I think you do I'm not sure yet I mean it depends if you got a notification or actually I don't know because I'm not really in your business cause I'm intersex but still I'm not even sure I don't know"she says in the distance
" well still I'm probably gonna like set my day up as a 19-year-old mom and a 19 year old mom. Well I should've said 2 19-year-old moms, right Kylie I'm not sure like just 2 19 year old moms or like just one."
" at this point just say two because you're just ruining the spot"she giggles
" yeah but I'm gonna get ready. uhm Yeah I'm gonna get ready and stormi doesn't have anywhere to go so she's probably gonna go with me but I always have an extra room for stormi because she's always somewhere else. She's never in my meetings because she's not allowed in my meetings not that I don't want her in my meetings I do, but she's not allowed because it's like privacy, and even though she doesn't understand it because she's one years old but that doesn't really matter but I'm still trying to. get the hang of it a little bit, so yeah I'm gonna get ready babe what are you gonna do because me and Stormi are leaving."
" i'm probably gonna go out with Harry and Stassie and then come and get stormi probably and then go back out"
" stormi what about stormi because we gotta figure out we're gonna do with her well not me because I will be out all day, but what are you gonna do with her all day?"
" i'm probably gonna take her to Khloe's house or Kourtney's house. I'm not sure it depends but I'm not really over estimating it so yeah."
" all right well guys I'm gonna get ready for the day and I will see you later *woosh*"

"" all right well guys I'm gonna get ready for the day and I will see you later *woosh*"

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