Birthday girl

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Kylie's pov:
Today is stormis 1st birthday so i was very excited the whole family was invited and everything in was going to be fun anyway so I had to wake up stormi
"Babe you wanna go wake up stormi with me?"
"Yeah let's go"
"Happy birthday too you Happy birthday to you"
"What about mama?"
"Hehe no it's mama"
"I get she's a baby but who's her dad?"
"Whoa I have no idea where she got dada from but Kylie is not a man she's a woman this is wild she just turned one and she's starting to say small words"

"Who's dada?"
"My names not Kylie my names mama"
"Hehe mama"
"Okay let's get you ready baby"

*House*"Who's dada?""Kywe""My names not Kylie my names mama""Mama?""Yes!""Hehe mama""Okay let's get you ready baby"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

 We all left When we got there Jack was sitting on his car outside when we pulled up he picked up stormi and threw her in the hair which she enjoyed Stormi started giggling and laughing then she finally spoke"HEHE STOP IT UNCLE JACK"she said in a ...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

We all left
When we got there Jack was sitting on his car outside when we pulled up he picked up stormi and threw her in the hair which she enjoyed Stormi started giggling and laughing then she finally spoke
"HEHE STOP IT UNCLE JACK"she said in a giggly tone
Me and Anais looked at each other and smiled
"Hey guys"Amani said bringing over Stormy
"Hey Mani"
"Hey"she said to all of us
Stormi waved her little hand to 11 month old Stormy. There were rides food popcorn and a lot of things and we all had fun
"So how does it feel to both be moms"
"Pretty hard her first words was Mommy"
"That's a struggle ky"
"I know Khloe it's just hard to be moms"
"Literally I started dating this girl named Saylor she's beautiful but she's so feisty you know"
"Yeah I know is she he-"
"Babe what the hell are you doing talking to these women they look taken and look like they have a kid"
"Yes babe their taken by each other"
"Another lesbian couple with a baby? How'd that happen"
"It happened"Anais said
"Ugh attitude"
"Alright let's go Kylie"
Me and Anais walked away and went to stormi so we could sing happy birthday then end the day
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Stormi
Happy birthday day too you how old are you?
How old are you
How old are you
How old are you
"Feliz cumpleaños Bebe"Anais said
Stormi then blew out her candles while her uncle Jack held her and reached her in to blow them out. She eventually blew them out Successfully and everyone clapped. After we ate the cake everyone left.

Kylie+Amani⚡️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang