Chapter 2: Daniela of Brasador

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"Would you like the yellow dress or the green, milady?"

"The green, today." Daniela held out her arms for the maid to slip the cotton dress over her head.

"These sleeves have gotten too short for you. I'll tell Her Majesty that you need some more clothes," her maid said, patting the little girl's arms briskly and affectionately.

"Oh, no, please, Gianna. They're not too short yet, don't tell her."

"But milady, I did not think you even cared for this one."

"Please, Gianna." Daniela implored.

"Well, alright, miss. Breakfast will be in soon."

Gianna left Daniela alone in her big room. The floors were dark stone, and heavy velvet drapes hung over the walls. They looked soft from far away, but when you touched them they were scratchy and smelled of dust. Daniela paced from the window to her little table, from the table to the bed, and back to the window. A few more laps and her breakfast came; porridge and brown seed bread. The bread was warm and the porridge was sweet, and she knew that Gianna was to thank as it was not usually so.

Then she took up an uninviting book and sat at the table, flipping the pages and gazing out the window at the cows and sheep in the fields below.

Someone rapped at the door. Finally! A man came into the room, tall and lean with dark eyes and hair.

"Frederico! I knew it was you!" Daniela jumped out of her chair and ran to the man. "I knew you would come and see me today. Did you come to play with me?"

He smiled unenthusiastically and slid his hands into his pockets. "No, dear sister, it looks like I won't get to play with you ever again."

"What? What are you saying?"

"Father has asked for you. Do not dawdle."

"Father? Why? What do you mean?" Tears were welling up in her eyes, but Frederico was already down the hall. Daniela started to run after him, then slowed and followed from a distance. Her brother always laughed at her for crying, and right now she couldn't stop herself. She didn't want him to see, so she followed as far behind as she could without losing sight of him. She had only been to the king's chambers a handful of times, and she did not know the way on her own.

Daniela rubbed her fists across her eyes before pushing open the heavy wooden door. The king and queen and Frederico and some people she'd never seen before sat around a table, staring at her. She gave a wobbly curtsy.

"He-Hello, Your Majesty. Have you summoned me?"

"Come here child." King Solanio boomed. He stared at her so intensely that she could barely lift her eyes.

"Tomorrow, you will leave this place and go to marry the Aram king."

Daniela couldn't stop herself from shouting out, "What? Marry the king? I don't understand-"

"Silence!" her mother the queen snarled. "It is not for you to understand. You will do as you are commanded. Now return to your room and pack your things."

Daniela did not have to be told twice. She ran out of the room as soon as she came to her senses. Behind her, it sounded like she could hear Frederico laughing. Maybe she was mistaken.

Gianna was waiting in her room when she got back, and Daniela buried her face in her apron.

"Oh, the poor thing." Gianna stroked her head. "Poor dear..."

"They're going to-they're going to-" Daniela tried to get her voice out between sobs. "They're sending me away! I have to marry some old king!"

"I have heard about it just now, miss." Gianna rubbed her back and tried to comfort her. "The King of Aramdeau is not so very old. He just became king a short time ago. And surely it is just an engagement for now."

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