Oh shoot, the gathering!!!

I completely forgot about the gathering happening tomorrow! I hated gatherings, seeing all the Crowclan cats, meeting new faces, so many cats in one area, it felt like I was being suffocated. Tomorrow would be my second time going to a gathering, I hated the first one, and I know I'll hate the second one from what I saw the first time.

Echoheart saw my distressed face and asked, "Silentpaw, what's the matter? You look like you just saw ten badgers!"

We stopped in front of the camp entrance and I mumbled, "It's nothing, really."

Echoheart had a concerned face on but kept walking and I followed her. We made it out of the tunnel, which was Breezeclan's camp entrance.

I saw a whole land of beautiful green grass in front of me. I always loved Breezeclan territory, it was so peaceful, the soft grass, the open space, were all you can see is grass from every direction, all the birds flying in the sky, the stars at night. I dont know how Crowclan dealt with the rocky mountian they lived on, it must be so cold there in leaf-bare. I almost felt bad for them if it wasn't for the war that was going on between Breezeclan and them. It would be a tense gathering tomorrow, that's for sure.

Once we got far enough away from the camp entrance I said, "I'm going to go hunt on my own."

"Well, I think maybe we can hunt together, we can work as a team!" Echoheart responded.

I looked away, I never really trusted anyone these days, not after the incident, with my mom.

Echoheart saw me look away and said, "I- I guess it's fine if you hunt on your own, just be careful."

"Ok" I said, relieved that she agreed to let me hunt on my own. I saw her go left, so I went right, I walked around, I breathed in the clean, crisp air as the gentle, warm new-leaf breeze blew in my face. I felt dew on the grass since it was morning, I looked at the sunrise, the sky was a golden-orange, it was always so beautiful here. I continued walking until I heard something rustling in the bushes. I crouched low and crawled forward, keeping my night black tail slightly above the ground.

When I got my position right, I lunged, I missed shortly and I saw a rabbit crash out of the bush. I immediately chased after it, even though I was short for my age, I ran incredibly fast. In a few seconds I was almost caught up with the rabbit, I always loved running, it always made me feel so alive.

After some running I caught up to the rabbit and pounced, then swiftly bit the rabbit on the neck. I always felt a bit of guilt when I killed prey, but what can you do? Cats need to eat too.

I proudly held the rabbit in my mouth and decided to go find Echoheart. I saw her going right so I headed in the way she went, I trotted happily, nature brought me peace in the hardest of times.

Strangely, I couldn't find her. I looked around for about fifteen minutes or so when I stared to get concerned.

Where is she?

After about five more minutes of searching I thought she must have gone back to camp without me when I heard a scream. I froze, should I run toward it?!

I reluctantly decided to do the brave thing, even though I didn't like other cats, I couldn't stand around and see cats being killed like my mother. I dropped my rabbit and ran toward the scream and saw Echoheart standing face to face with a huge dog.

My eyes widened as the dogs tail wagged, drool spilling out of its mouth, it's claws unsheathed.

The dog pounced on Echoheart and scratched at her pelt. I ran to help as I saw blood coming out of Echoheart's wounds, I blew stinging scratch marks on the dogs pelt. The dog howled in pain and got off Echoheart, she shot right up and pounced on the dogs back and tore it up.

I remembered a training move that Echoheart taught me and ducked beneath the dogs legs and scratched its belly. I saw the dog stumble as fresh blood came out of the wound.

The dog must have decided it had enough and fled. I panted heavily, looking at Echoheart, who was doing the same.

Finally, Echoheart said, "Thank you Silentpaw, I would've been dead if it wasn't for you!"

I looked at her and said, "Uh, yeah no problem."

"Come on, let's go report this to Fernstar, and as a reward, you can have a extra piece of prey tonight." Echoheart said.

"Alright," I replied.

I ran to pick up my rabbit that I dropped and followed Echoheart back to camp, I wondered what Jaypaw would think of this after I tell him what happened.

The sun was well in the sky now, but I still felt uneasy, what was that dog doing there? Dogs usually never came onto Breezeclan territory, since there wasn't any twoleg places nearby. It must have been a wild dog.

I thought about it until we made it back to camp, when we entered, I dropped my single rabbit onto the freshkill pile. Then me and Echoheart trotted to the leaders den.

I always felt nervous anytime I went in there, Fernstar was really nice, but it made me nervous, standing infront of such high authority.

When we got to the cave next to the big rock Fernstar would usually address the clan, Echoheart said,

"Hello Fernstar, may me and Silentpaw come in?"

"Yes, of course!" Fernstar replied.

Me and Echoheart entered the leaders den, there was sand covering the den, which made it super comfortable, and I saw Fernstar sitting on a pile moss, which must be her bed.

"What do you need Echoheart?" Fernstar asked.

"I would like to report a dog in the area, it attacked me and Silentpaw" Echoheart replied.

"Did you two get hurt?" Fernstar questioned.

"No, I only got a few scratches." Echoheart said.

I just stood in silence, feeling so awkward.

"You better get those treated by Mintspirit, I'll report this to Icefeather and get her to send out patrols." Echostar said.

"Ok, thank you Fernstar." Echoheart said respectfully, and bowed her head. I did the same, as I didn't know what to do.

We both exited the den and Echoheart went to the medicine cat den. I worried about the dog again, I wondered what it was doing here...

I shrugged it off and went to sit down at my usual spot, once I sat down I looked around for Jaypaw.

He must still be out with his mentor.

I decided to take a short nap while I wait for him to come back. I close my eyes forgetting all my worries.

1751 words, wow!

Agoraphobia (Warrior cat AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя