Shallow Graves (rewrite)

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You probably saw the previous chapter with the same name and that's because this is a rewrite, cause I hated that chapter, so enjoy :)

The explosion was loud, making Mabel need to cover her ears, blocking out the sound. A few shards of broken stone hit her skin, adding more cuts and bruises to her already scorned skin. A deep, familiar laugh erupted from behind her, making her almost cry out in fear. She knew what she had done. She brought Bill back. He was alive. Because of her.

"Well, well, well, well, well. Isn't it shooting star, the girl who helped kill me. How lovely to see you again." Mabel peeled open an eye, looking up to the sound of his voice. Approaching her was a thin, tan boy who seemed to be about in 20s. He wore a white button up and black pants, and had a cane with him. He leaned against it, his sharp, somewhat white, teeth visible with his smirk. "B-Bill... How- how are you back?"

"Why my dear, you brought me back. You made a deal. You touched my hand and asked a favour of me. And... I'll do it. For a price of course?" She devilish smirk widened as he knelt to her level, lifting her chin up. "What price..?" Bill chuckled. "You stay. Don't leave. Introduce me to your brother as... a friend." He smiled, one that looked almost genuine. What a liar, Mabel thought. "And I'll do my best to find out what's wrong and look after him for you. That's what you want, right?" Mabel nods slowly.

"Deal. I'll stay. But you can't harm my family, or anyone in Gravity Falls for that matter. If you do, you go back to whatever hell spawned you." Bill grinned, holding out his hand, the palm erupting in blue flames that somehow wouldn't scorn his skin. Mabel takes a deep breath and takes his hand, finding that the blue flames did not hurt, only tickled. The flames rose and whipped in the air. The deal was done; the deal was set. "Good girl..."


Later that day, Mabel and Bill arrive back at the shack and Mabel finds Dipper in his room, writing in his new journal. Dipper looks up and locks eyes with a tan boy with caramel eyes and a sharp smile. "Dipper, I'm sorry about the Pacifica situation, it was wrong of me to push that onto you. Please forgive me." Mabel looks at the ground, tears threatening to spill. Dipper stand and hug his sister, happy that things are finally sorted between them. "Always. Now... Who's this?" He says, glancing at the boy. "This is... Will. Uhm..."

"William Rephic. Nice to meet you, Dipper. I've heard good things about you." 'William' gives Dipper a gentle smile. Dipper doesn't buy it. Not one bit. His eyes narrow and he makes a 'hm' noise, turning back to his sister and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Get some rest, you look tired." Mabel nods and turns to leave, William following suit, but Dipper holds onto his arm, keeping him in place. William turs back to him and give him a smile. "Is there something you needed, Dipper?"

"Cut the crap, Rephic. I'm not an idiot. Who are you really? You here to break my sister's heart? I won't let you. I'm gonna keep an eye on you. One wrong move and you won't see the light of day again." As he says 'again', his voice cracks, making his face go red. William smirks and leans forward, whispering in his ear softly. "Hm. That's cute. Try to stop me, Big Dipper..." With that, William leaves the room, leaving Dipper confused and embarrassed.

Bill leaves the room and bumps into Mabel who gives him a stern look. "Don't do anything to him, Bill."

"Don't worry your pretty head, shooting star. I won't do anything." She gives him a tight smile and walks to her room, expecting him to follow.


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