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As Hermione began answering my  questions about Hogwarts, I looked up to see a man with black,greasy hair shadowing his face, staring back at me with rather dark,cold and somehow calculating eyes.

"Who's that?" I ask her whispering.

"That's professor Severus Snape, he teaches potions,but he's been after the position of the Defence Against the Dark Arts for years."

"Why is he looking at me then?" I whisper,tilting my face.

"Probably because you're new and he wanted you in the slytherin house, though I think that's just his resting face.", Ron guessed.

Oh, you thought to yourself,then once again you look around the room,and you spot the blonde-haired boy talking to the boy next to him, "That's Draco, Draco Malfoy."Hermione says as if reading my mind.

"Interesting", right then,Malfoy's eyes meet mine for a brief second before he glares hard at me. Merlin,what's his problem.

I look away quickly,and pay attention to Dumbledore's speech about the start of the year.

"SILENCE." Dumbledore said calmly, everyone stopped chattering about and looked at the old man.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts students, for starters, I just want to remind you that the Forest is forbidden to go into.

 Right then all eyes went to the Weasley twins who were looking sheepishly.Apparently they were always getting caught by Hagrid,for causing mischief in the forest.

"Third years, you may be allowed to attend the Hogsmeade trips on some weekends,if you have your parental slips signed." Thinking to myself, I make a mental note of owling my dad back soon since he doesn't really know anything about Hogwarts, so I guess I'll have to send an owl back soon or miss out.

"And without anything  more to be said,let's start the Great Feast", finished Dumbledore,clapping his hands.

With that, empty trays and plates in front of me,began to appear with all sorts of food.Looking too good to eat, but I was starving like always,so I tucked eagerly.

Once we were finished, we were instructed to head to our dormitories by the prefects and the Gryffindor Prefect introduced himself ,since I didn't know where to head.

The  boy in the back,who also resembled the ginger-haired twins, started  shouting, "LISTEN TO ME,I'M A PREFECT!!", with the Weasley Twins sniggering in the back,mocking him "oh Look at me I'm a prefect,didn't you know?", wiggling their eyebrows.

Hermione shoved me with her shoulder,muttering, "That's just another Weasley,it's Percy and if you didn't know he's a prefect ", ridiculing him.Clearly,he takes the role a bit too seriously.

I let out a little chuckle, and head to the house common room, with the rest of my new found friends.

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