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🌌/ "SYMPHONIA" chapter twenty

🌌/ "SYMPHONIA" chapter twenty

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real life

MIA HAD NEVER REALLY been much of a romantic

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MIA HAD NEVER REALLY been much of a romantic. she'd always hated the idea of falling in love. i mean, sure, she adored watching her friends fall in love, and she loved watching her dad show how much he loved her mom. but she never really saw herself falling in love with someone.

until she met walker.

walker just changed her entire point of view on love. of course she didn't love him. she didn't think she did, at least. she didn't really know how she felt about him. all she knew is that he was her best friend, and she maybe possible sort of per chance liked him a little itty bit more than that.

but you could never get her to admit that. and i mean, ever.

but that's why it hurt so bad when she found out about everything. about katherine. it stung more than anything. it hurt more than when you wack a scooter against your ankles. and that hurts. really effing bad.

every time she had something exciting happen, she'd go to walker. every time she needed someone to talk to, she'd go to walker. every time she was just bored, she'd go to walker. it was always walker.

until it wasn't.

and walker knew what he had done. as much as you may think he did it on purpose, he didn't. he's just a huge people pleaser. even after how bad katherine had hurt him, he still couldn't say no when she tried to rekindle what they once had.

he knew it was wrong. he really did. he knew it was going to end up hurting mia, more than it was hurting him.

but he was trusting. too trusting even. when katherine told him she wasn't gonna hurt him again, he couldn't help but believe her. for some reason, it's beyond me.

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