The Mage

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The serene ambiance of my small cottage calmed me as I read through my book of herbs and root magick. I was just doing some simple studying while my potion brewed. I always love learning more about my craft. In a Mage household as soon as you turn 16 you can move out to learn more about yourself as a mage and what type of mage you'll be. Turns out I'm a green mage, meaning my specialty is plants and herbs and flowers.

I also made medicines out of these herbs to help the villagers of Mare when they were feeling ill. I liked to stock up just in case. I caught my reflection in the glass medicine cabinet and smiled. I thought my Bantu knots were cute today. I turned around to the bubbling cauldron, whispering a cooling spell before I dipped my apothecary jar in there, collecting the clear, fragrant liquid. It smelled like lavender mixed with moonlight flowers, it helped with anxiety and paranoia.


I jumped at the loud knock and gently set the glass down before bustling over to the door. When I opened it, I was greeted by the sight of two very different looking people. The boy was wearing these bronze goggles that had green tinted lenses and he had long and pointy ears. His skin was brown and smooth aside from a few scars and his eyes were as black as onyx. He gave off a simple and friendly aura.

The girl on the other hand had a cog hair clip to hold back her uneven locs and was wearing a white coat that contrasted against her dark brown skin. She had purple eyes and a goofy smile. Her aura was chaotic and goofy, but friendly.

"Hi, How may I help you?" I asked, my voice high and tinkling like a bell. The boy stepped closer and lowered his voice, "We need your help."

I stepped to the side, opening the round wooden door wider. If there's anything a mage is known for it's their hospitality. "Come on in!" I chirped.

They both walked in, looking around at all the varying plants that were hanging or well placed on various shelves and tables. "So, what do you need my help with? Wait first of all, who are you?" I asked, fixing my flower patterned dress.

The Alchemist introduced himself and The Inventor introduced herself right after. The boy nudged her encouragingly and she sighed.

"I was building a time machine, my cat messed with one of the dials and it caused a huge earthquake and we think it may have had some effects-"

"SO, I found a way to reverse them using this giant machine, but it requires some other elements, so we're on a quest to find people to help."

I nodded and held back the question I really wanted to ask, "And I'm guessing one of the elements is nature?"

They both nodded vigorously. I hummed, "Let me think about it."

They both kind of looked disappointed, because if I think about it there's a possibility that I may say no. I did have a few questions, considering it's not every day someone comes to your house and asks if you want to go on a quest with them.

"Why were you trying to build a time machine?" I finally asked, unable to hold back the question any longer.

The Inventor sighed, "I lost someone very important to me, and I was hoping to go back in time to see vem one more time."

I could see that she was very torn up about it and I felt a lot of emotions from her, guilt, sadness, and anger towards herself.

I grabbed a bookbag and smiled, "Alright, let me just pack my stuff and we can go."

The relief on The Alchemist's face was palpable. "Is there anything we can help you with?"

I hummed, thinking for a moment. "No, just make yourself comfortable, it might take a while, I'm very indecisive."

I was gently placing my spellbooks and apothecary jars in my bookbag until I realized I forgot clothes. "I might need another bag," I hummed, grabbing a green messenger bag and putting some neatly folded clothes inside.

"Okay! I'm ready!"

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