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Dear Reader,

This is a book filled with wondrous magic, unbelievable horrors, magical science, mythical creatures, runaway royalties, time machines, fleeting romances, one-night stands, and a whole lot more, connected by four towns that specialize in different things. These are the black stories you and I alike wish to read. For a while, I've been thinking about what it'd be like for black children, teens, and adults alike to read stories about people that look like them without also having to read about slavery, segregation, Jim crow, police brutality, and everything else we've been through. We know. So I've pieced together this compendium filled with wondrous black stories.

If that's what you're looking for, you've picked up the right book. Whether you've found this in a dragon's lair, a pirate ship, a witches cottage, or a mad scientist's lab, or even left behind in a haunted house, it was left for you.

Oh? Well, it seems as if I have some business to attend, so I'll leave you to read these wonderful stories. 

Magickal and Melanated: An Anthology of Black StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now