Chapter 26

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“What does that mean?” Jennie shows Lisa their conversation from earlier that day and the message the blonde sent her when she was still at work. “Lili, I don’t understand.” Jennie pouts adorably and scrolls through their texts again.

“Baby, it means that we’re limiting our sexy times to zero for now.” Lisa explains as she’s putting some ice cream into a bowl. She grabs a teaspoon and joins her girlfriend on the couch.

“Oh, okay.” Jennie shrugs with a small huff and continues scrolling down her Instagram first page.

Lisa looks at Jennie with her eyes slightly squinted. She expected different reactions coming from Jennie but certainly not this one. That was fast, she thought. “Okay.” Lisa adds to see if the conversation’s truly over.

Jennie stays silent while she’s watching some videos on her phone. Lisa’s side eying her wondering if there’s a storm building up somewhere or maybe it’s just her. For her the air in the room became thick and it makes Lisa’s patience run out quickly.

“So, it’s okay for you if we won’t have any sex from now on?” She asks curiously and sets down her bowl with now a bit melted ice cream and turns towards Jennie. Lisa eyes the woman thoroughly not noticing anything unusual about the brunette.

“I mean if that’s what you want. I’m not going to force you or anything.” Jennie smiles and caresses Lisa’s arm. “We’ve been very active in bed lately so I understand that you might have burnt out a bit.”

Lisa’s eyes widen and she almost chokes on her own saliva. “Wait, me? Burnt out? Okay, baby I get that it seems like it but trust me I’ll never not be ready for sex.” Lisa feels a bit offended by Jennie’s assumptions. “Especially with you.”

“You must not be ready now because you said we should stop. Lili, I want you to know that it doesn’t matter to me as long as we’re together.” Jennie leans closer to Lisa and kisses her cheek sweetly. The blonde touches the spot Jennie kissed and blushes lightly.

“No, it’s not about my libido. You embarrassed me so I’m going to say no for sex so that you can’t have me.” Lisa spits it out a little frustrated and it earns her a small laugh from Jennie.

“Oh, so it’s about that. Well, considering that you’re the one that initiates 80% of our sex, I don’t think you can last longer than two days. Baby, you have probably the highest sex drive in the city, yet you’re setting yourself up like this.” Jennie sets her phone aside and looks at her girlfriend expectantly.

“I- you’re probably right but that doesn’t change the fact that you made me feel uncomfortable in the board room. It was weird to sit in a room full of older men without underwear.” Lisa shivers at the thought and imitates gagging noise.

Jennie pouts cutely and hugs Lisa’s side. “I’m sorry, I just had to keep your phone so you wouldn’t move that hearing.” She pecks Lisa’s lips and cuddles into the blonde’s warm body.

“I still don’t understand why you don’t want me to move it but okay, I won’t. Now, can I please have my phone back?” Lisa kisses Jennie’s temple and extends her phone ready to receive her phone back.

Jennie chuckles and places her own hand in Lisa’s. She intertwines their fingers and shakes their connected hands a bit. “Nah, you will get it when you take back your words about sex.”


“Am I not attractive to you?” Jennie asks with her eyebrow raised. She watches Lisa’s eyes shift and widen at the sudden accusations.

“No, of course not. You’re the sexiest, hottest there is.” Lisa makes sure to make her answer quick not wanting to pull her girlfriend’s nerves. She’s learnt that Jennie’s quite a lot when she’s insecure and she doesn’t get a confirmation from Lisa fast.

“Thank you.” Jennie smiles sweetly as her mood changes again. She even rewards Lisa with another kiss to her lips, this time a bit longer. Lisa closes her eyes for the duration of their kiss and lets out a small whine when Jennie pulls back too quickly.

“Actually, today’s situation doesn’t have much to do with the sex thing. I just wanted to tease you a bit. But the real reason is, I have to leave for Thailand for a couple of days for business meeting.” Lisa wraps her arm around Jennie’s shoulders and pulls the woman closer to her side. She places a loving kiss on top of her girlfriend’s head and rests her cheek on it.

“Can’t I come with you? I’ve never been to Thailand and that’s your homeland.” Jennie sports a small frown thinking of saying even a temporary goodbye to Lisa. During past months she got so attached to the blonde that spending just a few hours apart hurts.

“I’d take you with me if it wasn’t just two days and my schedule wouldn’t be so hectic. I’m leaving tomorrow early morning and right after I land, I have to attend a board meeting in Lloud’s main building. Then, I have a couple of hours to rest after the flight before I head to the business meeting I’m going there for. It’s a huge investor and I need him on my side. He doesn’t like Korea, so I needed to budge a bit for him.”

“I don’t want you to be alone in a different town or just spending time at the hotel. I’m still scared that some of Jinhongsaeng members could be there as well. Here, at least you’ll have my guards around and Rosie or Jisoo around. You won’t even notice that I’m gone, and I’ll be back in a blink of an eye.”

“Fine. But you’ll call me when you get there and I’ll pick you up from the airport once you’re back, okay?” Jennie leans her head on Lisa’s shoulder and melts into her girlfriend’s comfortable hug already missing her.

“Of course, and I’ll miss you as soon as I leave this place.”

“I already miss you.” Jennie turns her head and hides her face in Lisa’s neck.

“Aw, c’mon it’s just two days. You’ll have some time for yourself without my annoying ass around.” Lisa rubs comforting circles on her girlfriend’s back and kisses her head again.

“You are annoying. But I love when you’re yourself. And I’ll miss your stupid face.” Jennie sits up and cups Lisa’s cheeks with a small smile. She plays with Lisa’s cheeks a bit earning a grimace from her girlfriend which makes both laugh. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.” Lisa leans in and connects their lips. This time they let the kiss become deeper as their tongue clash fighting for dominance. Lisa’s hands automatically travel down to her girlfriend’s hips and backside pulling her into her lap. “I have to go to sleep earlier tonight…”

Jennie smiles against Lisa’s lips while taking deep breaths to calm down her heartrate. “It’s okay I just want to kiss you goodbye.” She leans back down and tugs at Lisa’s bottom lip with her teeth making the blonde let out a small moan. Jennie puts her hands in Lisa’s hair playfully moving them around.

“I wouldn’t mind more than that though.” Lisa moves hair away from Jennie’s neck and plants a small kiss there. She looks back up at her girlfriend with a delightful smile. “You’re so beautiful.” Then she places another kiss on Jennie’s neck. “You’re so sexy.” And another kiss until Jennie laughs breathlessly and pulls Lisa’s head away from her neck.

“And you talk nonsense when you’re tired.” Jennie rubs Lisa’s temples gently and notices obvious exhaustion on her girlfriend’s face. The bags under her eyes more prominent and eyelids slightly closed.

“How’s that nonsense when it’s the truth?” Lisa wraps her arms around Jennie’s petite body and snuggles her face against the woman’s chest. “Tell me to stay and I’ll drop everything for you.” She mumbles and earns a laugh from Jennie.

“I’d love to, but I know you’d be thinking about work anyway. Like you said, it’s just two days and we can survive that, baby. I’ll be just one call away.”

“But these meetings are so boring… you’re more interesting than that… and I don’t really like the guy I’ll be signing with.” Lisa groans and leans back against the couch. Jennie smiles at her revelling at how whiny her girlfriend gets when she’s sleepy.

“Lili, look at me…” Jennie places her hands back on Lisa’s face. “You’re going to go there and impress the board. Then, you’ll stand your ground against that dude for that contract, and you’ll come back in no time to me, our place and sexy times or however you want to call it.”

“Our place?” Lisa asks and Jennie realises that it slipped. She blushes lightly and laughs awkwardly.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything. I know it’s your place…” Jennie scratches the back of her neck and goes to get up from Lisa’s lap, but the blonde stops her immediately.

“No, it’s just- it’s probably the first time you called something ‘ours’ and I- I like it.” Jennie smiles at Lisa’s words and leans back into the woman’s arms. “You can call anything that’s mine, ours, Nini. I’m yours together with everything I own.”

“You’re mine and I’m yours. That’ll never change.” Jennie lifts her head slightly and kisses Lisa’s lips one more time. “I’d love to stay like this but you, my prince charming, must go to bed because it’s getting late. I don’t want you to be tired at the meeting.”

Jennie gets up and pulls Lisa towards their bedroom by her hand. Lisa whines not wanting to break the hug and certainly not wanting to go to bed knowing that she’ll be leaving her woman early next morning.

“You know, every time I see you being serious or intimidating, I remember what a baby you are at home.” Jennie smiles proudly at her girlfriend with her arms crossed on her chest watching Lisa change into her pjs in a slow motion.

“You’re exaggerating.” Lisa mumbles and drops down on the bed face first. Jennie laughs lightly and gets under the blankets as well. They find the most comfortable position for the night and turns off the lights. “I love you, Nini.” Lisa kisses Jennie goodnight and rests her head on the brunette’s chest.

“I love you too, Lili.” Jennie does the same and slowly falls asleep with a small smile on her lips.

“And I love you more…”


Basically a filler chapter to add some fluff and cuteness plus Lisa's leaving for Thailand. Next chapter just around the corner.

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