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5 years before...

Walking down the street back to my home two big SUV's fly past me and screech to a halt at my house. Guys pile out of the car and head to the front door, most of them I don't recognize but i do know one of them. Alex, he's been in my dads life since he took the big company job out of town. He's the one who would always come's and pick's him up for long jobs. I walk up to the side where my window is and open the window . I can hear shouting and lots of movement.
Sneaking up through my window I step on my desk and slip. I make a noise and I'm positive they heard me. I shut my window as quiet and as fast as possible. Falling to the ground i slide myself under my bed right as i hear loud stomps coming closer to my door. The man enters and all i can see is his boots. He walks around the room looking around for what caused the noise and opens the closet , turns around and starts going through my desk. I roll myself closer to the farthest side of my bed to stay away from him.
He walks to the door to leave when my cat jumps into my room to "attack" me as she usually does. He gets startled and curses the cat out, walks out to the front room. Lola decides to come join me under the bed. I used to lay under here all the time researching crimes in the local area, she would come lay with me for hours. I've been into true crime and unsolved investigations sense i was a kid. I roll out from under the bed and try and keep her as quiet as possible while i pack a bag. I knew this day was coming for a long time so I've been prepared.
I get into the closet and grab the bag from the top shelf. I check to make sure everything is in the bag and grab the cat carrier out. I put food and water down because its gonna be a while before she can get out.
I open the door and make sure there's no one out in the hallway. I creep out to see what's happening in the front room. I just can't help myself even knowing i could get caught. I get closer to the men in my home and i can hear someone quietly talking, it sounds like my father. I walk closer and i can't make out who's all in the room but I can see my father , his work buddy and my mother. She looks frightened and worried. I walk to the other side of the wall to get a better look and she spots me. That's when i notice she's the only one tied up to a chair. My mother goes wide eyed then tries to look normal, she knows if they get me too they'll use me as leverage for whatever they need.
They start to ask questions but its still almost impossible to hear what he's saying. My father always taught me to never trust anyone you can't figure out, i should of known he wasn't just talking about strangers. They start to yell at each other and my father says that he doesn't know where i am. The men punch my mother in the face and I've got to cover my eyes because they didn't show no mercy on her. Father didn't say or do anything to stop it.
That's when i knew he was the one I couldn't trust. I start to sneak off when they start to talk again. Father is saying something about money and guns but I don't care at this point.. my next move is to get everything i packed and leave. I feel sorry for my mother but I can't do anything to help her right now. I head back to my room but in notice my parents rooms door open. It's never open he's always locking doors in this house I've probably only been in there room a couple times. I walk in and go through my fathers drawers and find nothing so i go to my mothers jewelry box. Figured this would be a good hiding space but i find nothing but my grandmothers old jewelry. I leave the room because really what would they hide in there room, obviously if they were hiding something it wouldn't be here. I head back to my room as fast as i can because there getting louder in there. I'm heading to my room and Lola pops her head out and meows at me, she's so innocent in all this. I pick her up and close the door behind me.
I walk to my closet and move all my shoes off the floor and pull the secret floor board up. Insides a couple phones and some money, a remote. The remotes to a security system my father set up when we first moved here. I pack everything up in the duffle bag and put Lola in the cat carrier. I open my window when i can hear commotion outside. I look out my window and don't see anybody so i toss my bag out the window and set Lola on my desk. I hop down and grab Lola and my bag and head to the front of the house.
When i get to the front i can see them taking my mother and father pushing them into the suv. I watch as they leave so i decide to just go back to my room. As I'm walking to my window i can smell smoke, i leave my bags outside and climb through my window. There's so many memories in this house but i only want to find the one that means the most to me. I'm looking through my drawers but I can't find it, the room is starting to fill up with smoke. I open my door and smoke rolls , i fall to the ground and head to my parents room. I go through all the other drawers i missed the last time and still can't find it.
I'm starting to get dizzy so i try to head back to my room. I get to my window and i can hear Lola going nuts in her carrier. I jump out the window and i can hear sirens in the distance, i press the button on the remote for the security and nothing happens that i can see so i press it a couple more times just for good measure. I grab my bike from the back yard and put all my stuff in the basket and head to the closest motel. I'm riding down the street when i notice a car driving behind me. I take a sharp turn down the alleyway near my school. The car stops and i stop to take a look, its my mother in the passenger seat. She's crying heavily and beat up pretty badly, I don't know if i can trust her yet so I keep going.
I make it to a motel and find a room that's unlocked, somewhere to stay for a couple nights. When i get into the room i let Lola out and give her some water.  I crash on the bed and just lay there for a couple hours trying to figure out what i should do next. Tears rolling down my face and all i can think about is how I'm so happy to be away from them, i love my parents but they never make the right choices.
My belly growls and i check my bag for anything to snack on till tomorrow. There's nothing so i leave the room and go looking for a vending machine. I find a vending machine and see there's some great choices in there, i get twizzlers , some m&ms and this sour candy I've never seen before. I turn around to head back to my room when i run into this boy. I apologize and walk around him, he turns to look at me. "It's not a problem, darling."  When i get to my door i turn to look his way and he's incredibly handsome and for some reason i feel like we know each other. I'm about to walk into my room and i can feel eyes on me so i look his way again, he's staring at me like I'm some magic animal or something. I walk in and close the door and put my back to it, thinking to myself he's defiantly my type because my heart is racing right now. I look out my window to see if i could see him and right as i move the curtain i can see him walking towards my room. I freak out and close the curtain.
Lola comes up to me and i give her loving because i know this is probably stressful for her to be moved like this. I drop my snacks on the table and i hear a door shut next door to me. I can hear a boy talking so i sit on my bed and just listen while eating my snacks. I like to know about peoples life's , most people call me noisy but that's what happens when your whole childhood was nothing but secrets and lies. That's the only way to figure out the real side of people and the truth.
The boy sounds interesting so I continue to listen to whoever he's talking to, he's taking to them about work or some business deal. He keeps saying something about a girl but I can't make it out, maybe he's some type of young business man then he says something about Ludovico. That's when i get a cold shiver down my spine. He's here for me. Was he at my house with all them men? Is he going to kill me? I'm getting more and more paranoid by the moment. Grabbing Lola i head to the bathroom and make sure the window is unlocked so i have a escape route just in case. packing all my stuff back in the bags i grab the blankets off the bed and go to the bathroom. Me and Lola lay in the tub together listening waiting for something to happen.
Waking up to the light in my eyes i startle myself and jump out of the tub. Looking around for Lola I'm scaring myself thinking someone came in and stole her, I find her under the bed. I give her a big hug and set her down to feed her, she starts to "attack" my legs as usual. She's always been a playful cat but she's always so gentle too. After giving her food i check my phone and see ten missed calls by numbers I don't know. I try to call back the last one and i start to hear a ringing next door, i instantly hang up. I probably just woke him up so now I can't leave and find a new place to crash. I have 2 more days here but he knows I'm here and I don't know if he's dangerous or not. I grab the rest of my snacks and pack them into my bag. I put Lola's stuff away and put her in her in her carrier.
I drop my bag out the bathroom window and lower Lola with a sheet onto the ground away from the window. I hop down and fuck my ankle up , i start to cry but I can't sit here and wait around to be captured or worse. I hop to my bike and put my bags on the back and push the bike away from the motel hoping the boy next door didn't see me. I try and get on the bike and just hurt myself even more so i just continue to walk trying to find somewhere to hide out for a while.
Heading towards a park i used to go to everyday when i was younger i find my old hiding spot in the woods behind the park and lay on the ground in pain. I know i either broke or twisted its really bad, its all black and blue and its only been fifteen minutes. I pull my bag closer to me and find a bandage rap in the med kit i keep in the bag and wrap myself up. I take Lola out of the carrier and put her on her leash to let her go to the bathroom. Laying on the ground with Lola beside me all my mind keeps going back to is him. He had to be working with them but he's about my age, what could he be doing working for men like that? Even though he's probably the bad guy he still was very cute and interesting, i wish we would of met in a different time.

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