Chapter 4: The Last Path To the Sky

Start from the beginning

Fortune has a way of finding perfect timing, it seems. Neither marine being posed with a horrible choice actually has to be the first to pull their trigger. A whir zooms in, and just inside the gate in question, a hulking figure slams the ground. A small, helicopter-sized alien craft races off, and Grey can hear more coming. The guards whirl as the crowd screams. They flee in a startled hurry back down the street away from the gate, tripping over and trampling each other.

Grey and his squad don't hesitate. He bellows, "OPEN FIRE! CONCENTRATE ON ITS BACK!"

All of the marines present scatter into cover and fire a hailstorm at the extraterrestrial shocktrooper. Its armor is heavier than the others, and it wields two of the alien guns; one in each hand. Sergeant Grey limps quickly behind a parked troop truck, followed closely by Kenzie and Tanya. Fisher and Dumas fire on it from behind a concrete barricade, and Fredericks climbs stealthily into the passenger side of another truck aimed at the gate.

The truck Fredericks just rigged fires up, and he slams it into gear, nimbly tumbling away as the truck roars toward the gate at full speed. The alien, taunted by the truck fleeing, focuses its attention, firing both weapons at the truck. Grey spots a second alien shocktrooper dropping in outside the gate, lumbering after the crowd fleeing. Then a third joins it.

This is it. If Grey's marines can take out the alien attacking them, they can make it to the station with minimal chaos. Fredericks jogs up from his stealthy route, and Grey waves him into the cab of the truck. Fredericks sets to task. Now, Grey has to deal with the alien. His leg burns viciously from his injury, but he's pretty sure he can run. And, he claimed a couple of the alien grenades when they policed a downed alien's equipment.

Sergeant Grey readies his shotgun and a grenade. It's the size of a tissue box, but the spikes make it easy to grip. He says calmly, "Whatever happens, you two stay with Fredericks. Got it?"

"Alex..." urges Tanya. He kisses her quickly and bolts up, sprinting as the alien's attention is successfully drawn by Fisher and Dumas, as well as three of the six guards. Two of the guards are already dead, and a third is wounded.

Grey doesn't focus on that, though. He primes the grenade, and it blinks. He hopes that means it's ready. He fires his shotgun into the alien's back at point blank range, slamming the grenade into its back. However the grenade sticks with the foam that spurts out, it stays, and Grey stays in a sprint past the alien, diving headfirst over Fisher and Dumas as they duck. He can hear the alien's surprised, "Hruugh?"

The explosion is more akin to a fast, thunderous clap, but much more potent. Grey isn't sure shooting the healing unit was necessary, but he didn't want to take chances. In any case, he turns around to make sure it's dead.

The alien's body is indeed lifeless, and Grey barks, "Move, marines!" Fisher helps the guards carry the injured guard after the other two are confirmed dead. They scramble for the truck, which roars to life as Fredericks hotwires it. Grey isn't sure how warfare would have changed if all vehicles had become electric, but he's thankful for the big, reliable deuce-and-a-half for always roaring when called upon. At least in combat.

Everyone piles into the truck, pulling the injured guard in. Fredericks races for the station. Grey orders, "Don't stop, Fredericks! Drive straight onto whatever car's on the platform!"

"Aye, sir!"

The sergeant looks behind them. Flashes denote the aliens still slaughtering the crowd of people fleeing. A few people who obviously hid are jogging past the gate.

His stomach churns, but he's committed. If he thinks too hard about it, he might try to feel bad for all nine billion people on Earth.

Luck moves in waves, though. As the truck smashes through the garage door of the loading dock, Fredericks yells, "CRAP! Sarge! It's a cargo pod!"

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