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Jasmine smiled as she saw Monife sitting inside the class, she rushed to their seat, arranging her bag at the back of her chair before sitting down.

"Monife why weren't you picking up my calls"Jasmine questioned but Monife kept writing on her book like there was no one beside her.

Jasmine figured she was angry at her. knowing Monife, she was sure to forgive her anytime soon.

Their Chemistry teacher walked into the class with Mayowa Daniels behind him carrying his books.

Typical teacher's pet.

She hissed.

Of all the subjects that they could have as their first period, she hated chemistry and she could tell the subject hated her too because no matter how she read for any exam or test, she always ends up leaving the exam hall with a tired face which came with the letter F.

She had to get good grades this term because of the promise her grandfather made to her, a smile appeared on her face as she remembers this exact same words.

"I promise to give all of you anything as long as you all get straight A's on all your subjects especially you Jasmine, stop all this your social media nonsense and focus, it Will not he-"

Okay! she didn't need to remember everything.

She watches as their Chemistry teacher wrote today's topic on the board, Electrolysis.

She signed loudly and as she expected Monife threw her a look.

"I can do this"she muttered to her self, focusing on what the chemistry teacher Mr Felix was writing on the board.

After an hour of staring at the board and understanding nothing, Mr Felix left the class but not before asking Monife to bring all the chemistry holiday assignment to his office.

Jasmine groaned resting her head on her desk.

She couldn't do it

In fact she can't do it.

Chemistry had a way of messing with her brain and she hated it. She looked over at Jayson who was still copying his note from the board. She waits for him to catch her staring at him but he didn't.

She moved her head only to meet the gaze of Joshua on her. She smiled a little, he didn't smile back, it's not like she was expecting him to because that's like expecting a chicken to become a rat.

He mouthed something to me but I couldn't hear because of the noise which was building up in the classroom. She looked over at Mayowa who was supposed to be controlling the class but instead the fool was busy flirting with Itohan.

She hissed looking back at her brother who was raising his hand with a 2A exercise book in his grip. He mouthed something again and she squinted her eyes as if to tell him to speak loudly.

He wanted to speak again but was cut off by Jasmine voice.

"Egiro Abeg shut up, ah ah! Must you talk Everytime talk talk talk talk, will you die if you don't talk for one day?" Jasmine yelled at the main enforcer of the noice.

"Jasmine I hope it's not me you're talking to"Ejiro asked facing Jasmine also making almost everyone in the class to face Jasmine.

"It's you am talking to Egiro, what can you do?" Jasmine attacks without batting an eyelid.

The whole class was already liking  the upcoming second drama of the day.

Egiro laughs clapping her hands,"Jasmine you better watch your mouth o, am not like that stupid Asanda that you can talk to anyhow o. If you just try me ehn, I will just Break you in to two so just mind your self before I mind you"Egiro warned wagging her finger at Jasmine who was just eying her.

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