Chapter Ten: Twin Telepathy

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"Who can tell me the different ranks of the M.O.M Classification system for Magical Creatures?"

Professor Mills addressed a class of blank stares and dull minds. No one raised a hand or even blinked for that matter. You'd think it was Professor Binns teaching History of Magic, not (everyone's favourite) Professor Mills teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts!

Pacing up and down the room between the desks, the young Professor clapped his hands together, startling a snoring Peter from his unsanctioned slumber.

"No one? Really? Come on, this is review. We learned this MONTHS ago!" Professor Mills now sat on the edge of his desk at the front of the room with his arms crossed over his chest.

He was a rather attractive man; tall and muscular, with a jaw so chiselled you could cut cheese with it. Every girl in school had some degree of a crush on him, and if they didn't, they were blind. The boys were equally in love with him as the girls, though for slightly other reasons than his looks. Professor Jackson Mills, with his hazel eyes that sparkled in the sunlight and brown hair that swept graciously across his forehead, had a certain charisma about him that drew everyone to him like moths to a flame.

"I understand everyone had such a nice holiday, but we've been back to school for three weeks now. Let's bring our minds back to our bodies- yes that means you Mr Pettigrew," he spoke again. "Now, who can answer my question? Miss Potter, perhaps?"

I felt twenty pairs of adolescent eyes fall on me as I looked up at Professor Mills. I had only been half paying attention, my consciousness dipping in and out of existence as I fiddled with the locket around my neck.

"Umm-" I muttered cluelessly.

"The M.O.M Classifications?" he reminded, the corners of his mouth twitching up in an expectant smile.

"Oh, right." I sat up straighter in my chair and cleared my throat. "There are 5 ranks of the M.O.M Classification system, created by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. They are ranked based on the danger they pose to witches and wizards."

"Very good!" He exclaimed proudly. "I'm so glad someone pays attention to class! Would you come up and write the different ranks on the blackboard? The rest of you had better take notes for your midterm!"

I did as I was told and made my way to the large blackboard next to his desk. I heard the rustling of bags and parchment as everyone prepared themselves, and I wrote on the board:






Taking my seat once more, I pulled out my roll of parchment to copy the board down, knowing that the boys would probably ask for the notes later.

"Thank you, Julia! 15 points to Gryffindor!" he said before addressing the rest of the class, who miraculously was now wide awake. "Who can give me some examples of the least dangerous creatures?"

He called on a small, timid girl from Ravenclaw named Penelope, but before she could answer the bells from the Clock Tower struck, signalling the end of class.

"Before everyone leaves!" He started as half the class was trying to escape with no homework. "Your homework, due first thing next class, is to choose three creatures from each rank and describe their properties and characteristics that cause them to be ranked that way! Class dismissed!" This was met by a communal groan from multiple students as everyone started to file out of the classroom. "Julia! Could you stay after class? I'd like to have a word with you."

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