The truth

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Me and Theo haven't talked since me and Enzo got back together
Enzo- what were you doing when we took a break
Peyton- don't get mad at me
Enzo- I won't
Peyton- me and Theo had something
Enzo- Oh
Peyton- what about you
Enzo- oknow you can't get mad at me like you have to promise
Peyton- I promise
Enzo- me and Pansy he had something
Peyton- oh
Enzo- are you mad
Peyton- No we were broken up with it's fine
Enzo- are you sure
Peyton- yes
Enzo- ok
he kisses me and I kiss him back
Peyton- Have you talk to Theo
Enzo- No he's refusing to talk to me
Peyton- me too
Enzo- Y'all hate each other so maybe that's why he's not talking to you
Peyton- he won't even make fun of me
Enzo- weird
Peyton- yeah
Allie and my brothers walk in.
Mattheo- We need to talk to Peyton alone
Peyton- what's wrong
Mattheo- he needs to leave
Peyton- I'll see you later enz
Enzo- ok love
he kisses me and leaves
Allie- We did a truth potion and Draco and Enzo and Theo
Peyton- ok I'm so confused what did y'all ask
Jospeh- We asked them the same questions
Peyton- OK but what did you ask
Mattheo- Who do you want to know about first
Peyton- I don't know
Allie- pick a number 1-3
Peyton- 2
Mattheo- ok so Enzo
Joseph- ok so first question When did you realize you loved her enzo said "Never I just wanted sex" second question Do you think she's pretty he said "1. I do think she's beautiful" third question Do you love her now he said "I don't know" fourth question Have you ever cheated he said "no but I want to" fifth question Who's the prettiest girl In hogwarts he said "Ginny" last question Are you sure your not in love with her he said "She's beautiful enough to have sex with not to fall in love with"
Peyton- ouch what about Draco
Mattheo- first question his answer was "after we met" second question his answer was "I've always thought she was beautiful" third question his answer was "not anymore" fourth question his answer was "yes and I regret it" fifth question "Pansy" last question "yes I'm sure"
Peyton- oh well at least Draco loved me what about Theodore
Allie- well, we asked him a few more questions than them and I don't know how you're gonna feel about it
Peyton- tell me
Allie- ok so first question he answered with "Ever since I seen her walk into hogwarts" second question he answered with "she is absolutely stunning" third question he answered with "Yes I've been in love with her since then and I thought she loved me but she didn't" fourth question he answered with "We never dated so no but if she did give me a chance I wouldn't she's way to special" fifth question he answered with "She is she's all I ever think about everyday it's about her" the new questions were why do you bully her he answered with "Cause I can't let her know I'm in love with her" what made you fall for her he answered with "everything about her" last question was why won't you tell her you love her he answered with "Cause she'll break my heart again and I don't want that"
Peyton- can y'all do one on me please
Mattheo- that was the plan
They give me the rest of the truth potion
Joseph- to make sure it actually works. Who's your favorite brother
Peyton- I love you both equally, but Joey is my favorite
Allie- it worked
Mattheo- OK first of all rude second eight questions are you ready and We all ask you two questions each
Peyton- ok well then hurry the fuck up
Allie- Who are you in love with
Peyton- Theo. I've always been in love with him I just didn't want to ruin our friendship
Allie- would you tell him your feelings or no
Peyton- yes, I would especially after knowing what I know
Mattheo- why are you in love with him
Peyton- he's handsome, he's tall, the family loves him, he speaks Italian, and he has a soft spot for me
Mattheo- what would you do if he ask you out right now
Peyton- I would say yes immediately
Joseph- what's your favorite thing about him
Peyton- his hair, it's fluffy
Joseph- what if I told you he was in this room the entire time
Peyton- I would beat y'alls asses
Allie- welp it's time for asses to get beat
I just see Theo standing in my room
Peyton- i'm telling dad
Mattheo- come on Pey Pey you can't be mad at us for long
Peyton- sure now leave
Theo- they didn't do one on you or any of us It was just a flavored water that Muggles drink
Peyton- so you really mean all of that
Theo- do you
Peyton- yeah, I've always wanted to be with you
Theo- so what are we
Peyton- dating I guess
Theo- what about Enzo
Peyton- ok fine we act like we hate each other and then when the time is right we come out as dating
Theo- ok love
I smile and he kisses me and I kiss him back
Theo- you're pretty you know that right
Peyton- Theo i am Not
Theo- Peyton who ever made you feel like that I will fucking kill them I hope you understand that Payton you mean the whole fucking world to me
Peyton- please don't kill yourself
Theo- what
Peyton- you made me feel like that
Theo- Babe I'm sorry I made you feel like that I never purposely meant to hurt you that much
He puts his head down and sound like he's about to cry so I put my hand on his face and make him look at me and a tear falls down
Peyton- why are you crying
Theo- because I hurt you I never wanna hurt you baby
Peyton- Theo I said a lot of horrible and rude shit to you I wouldn't be surprised if I made you feel like how I feel
Theo- baby it's different I don't want you feeling like you aren't worth it it
Peyton- Theo I care what you think about me
Theo- and I care what you think about me
I pull him closer to where his head is on my chest and I play with his hair
Peyton- you are so handsome Theo
Theo- and you are so gorgeous
Peyton- I love you Theo and nothing will ever change that
Theo- I love you too
Peyton- you're such a baby you know that right
Theo- only for you baby I mean what I said I will murder someone for you
Peyton- I know
Theo- I love when you play with my hair
Peyton- it's soft I love it
He looks up and kissing me and I kissed him back and he grabbed my face and then grabs my neck and I smile
Peyton- you're adorable Now get out
Theo- yes ma'am
He kisses me again and then leaves and I go to sleep
The next day
I woke up and sent dobby to get Theo so I can lay in bed with him Five hours before classes start
Theo- well hello there
Peyton- Come lay with me I miss you
He gets in the bed instantly
Theo- I should've asked you to dance at the Yule ball
Peyton- Why didn't you
Theo I was scared
Peyton- why
Theo- cause I didn't want to fuck it up
Peyton- you wouldn't have
Theo- I'm scared
Peyton- Theodore nott is scared
Theo- shut up I'm being serious
Peyton- I am too
He moves my hair out of my face and he goes to kiss me but dobby comes running
Theo- hey dob man what's up
Dobby- mr.Berkshire is almost here
Peyton- the invisibility cloak is in my closet hurry come here sweet baby
Theo gets up and gets in the closet and dobby gets in my bed with me
Dobby- I like mr.nott he suits you
Peyton- I know I like him too dobs
Enzo knocks on my door and I don't answer so he cracks the door I fake asleep and I hear the door shut again so I wait five minutes
Theo- he's gone
Peyton- well then come here handsome
He goes to get in bed with me and dobby is fast asleep
Peyton- look at my beautiful babies
Theo- he's cuter
Peyton- I agree
Theo- see I'm not mad cause I mean come on look at him
I kiss his head and then pick him up and take him to mattheo's dorm and he is wide awake
Peyton- want a good cuddler
Mattheo- hell yes
I lay dobby down and I go back to my dorm and Theo is curled up in a ball asleep so I lay down and he comes closer to me and puts his head on my chest and his arm around me
Theo- you're a good cuddle buddy
Peyton- thank you amor
Theo- can you play with my hair
Peyton- yeah
I play with his hair and he falls asleep and so do I
Hours later
I woke up and Theo wasn't in my bed so I just get ready and I go downstairs and the whole friend group is down there
Theo- ew
Enzo- stop she looks beautiful
Theo- no I can do what I want
Enzo- no one ask you tho so
Theo scoffs and walks away
Peyton- Matty is dobby still in your room
Mattheo- yeah and so should Theother elf
Peyton- okkkkk
I go to Theos room
Peyton- hi
he just ignores me
Peyton- Theo
Theo- every part of me wanted to kill him Peyton I really don't think you know how much power you have over me
Peyton- I do know baby
Theo- do you
Peyton- yes I do theo I know
he comes over to me and grabs my waist and he kisses me and put one hand on my cheek and then pulls away
Theo- I'm so glad you're mine
Peyton- I'm glad you're mine
Theo- go get dob man and we can sneak off at lunch and see each other
Peyton- ok baby I love you
theo-I love you too
He kisses me and I go get dobby and we go downstairs
Peyton- the lil baby is hard to get up in the morning
Enzo- well we gotta go to class so you have to leave him
Peyton- I'm taking him with us I'm sure he would love to see harry
Enzo- fine then let's go
He grabs my hand and I hold his and we walk to class
Peyton- oh dobs go sit with harry
Dobby- what about mr.nott
Peyton- no go sit with harry please
Dobby- yes peyton
He goes and sits with harry and I turn towards Enzo
Peyton- listen you can talk to me anyway you want to Enzo but if I ever hear how your talking to dobby I will ruin your entire reputation I don't care if your bellatrix lastranges son my dad is a higher power than yours don't mess with me
Enzo- I can talk to anybody how I want to talk to them
Peyton- you don't talk to dobby that way
Enzo- I can and I will
Peyton- then we're done
Enzo- fine I didn't want to be with you anyways
I see that Theo is sitting with a girl and they are flirting and I throw him a note and he catches it not even looking and then he says something to the girl and she leaves and he tells me to come over there so I do
Theo- what happened
I tell him everything
Theo- that's it he's dead
Peyton- dobs missed you
Theo- I love dob man but I missed you more
Peyton- don't tell dobby that my love
Theo- I won't
He holds my hand under the table and dobby comes over and sits on theos lap
Peyton- he loves you
Theo- just like how how I love you
Peyton- shut up
Theo- nope
I smile and hit him and we both laugh
people in class- I thought they hated each other
Peyton- me and Theodore can get along every once in a while it's none of your business for Merlin's sake
Snape starts teaching and it's still as boring as ever and then after two classes we go to the dining hall and eat lunch and me and Theo meet up with each other
Theo- when can we say we're dating I want people to know we're dating
Peyton- me and Lorenzo just broke up Teddy
Theo- I know
Peyton- give it time We just gotta wait
lunch ends and then we go our separate ways until we see each other
Theo- SLUT
Peyton- I know you are but what am I
he flipped me off and I smile and he walks away
Skip to dinner
We are all eating when Theo walked over to me
Theo- why the fuck did you trash my dorm
Peyton- dude what the fuck are you talking about
Theo- come look
Peyton- yeah maybe I will
we go to his dorm and we lay down
Theo- do you think people Are getting suspicious that we are together Cara Mia
Payton- they are but who cares
he kisses me and I kiss him back and he smiles and we fall asleep

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