Chapter 3-The girl

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Shortly after that, Cyrus went outside for his morning walk as he always did, but this time was different. He had been walking for a while without encountering any demons, which made him happy until one suddenly appeared. She was different. She wore a yellow dress with a long black chain that resembled a dog collar, and her pitch-black hair had hazel tips. Clearly a demon, but one around his age, she seemed ready to attack until their eyes met. They locked gazes for a few moments before Cyrus broke the ice with a timid "Hi." Surprisingly, she replied and gestured to walk together. They held hands and strolled through the park, getting to know each other.

Her name was Iris, much like Cyrus's, and they clicked instantly. She revealed that she was a demon and the daughter of the devil himself. Cyrus didn't care about her demonic nature; he saw beyond the facade of evil and found beauty, care, compassion, and love in Iris. He found himself falling in love with her more deeply with every passing moment.

The next three days were filled with joy for these newfound friends. Cyrus and Iris walked down the same path every day to the same spot in the park—the Dahlia pond. Legend had it that a woman had scattered dahlia seeds around the pond, and miraculously, they had flourished into beautiful flowers.

They spent hours at the pond each day, sharing bits of their life stories. Cyrus learned about Iris's experiences living in Hell and her aspirations. Everything seemed perfect until Cyrus had a troubling dream that left him reluctant to talk to Iris.

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