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sorya Chandra - Okay then put this girl in jail

Hearing this, the soldiers take Avanthik and lock him in jail. It was dark in that jail, there was only a small window from where a little light was coming.
Avantika sits in a corner of that jail, her clothes were stained with blood and her hair was matted.
Every girl has some dreams for her marriage. Dreams of her future husband, her wedding dress and many more. Avantika had also seen such dreams. She did not find the person of her choice and the wedding dress was stained with blood.
Avantika starts crying remembering Arjun.
Avantika cries a lot and now she starts seeing Arjun in that jail, she starts getting the illusion that Arjun is in front of her.

Avantika - Arjun you are here. Please stay with me Arjun.
I don't want to stay here, Arjun, I want to stay with you.

Gradually her illusion starts breaking and he realizes that Arjun is not here. Avantika starts crying more but she was very tired, so much had happened. Gradually she starts feeling sleepy and she had not even eaten anything.
She falls asleep.

Next morning

Avantika wakes up from sleep due to a sound, she opens her eyes and sees Sorya Chandra standing in front of her.

Avantika - (irritatingly) I thought that now that I am in jail, I will not have to see your ugly face, but you have come to jail to show me your ugly face.

sorya Chandra - I was just worried about you.

Avantika - Why? Does anyone else want me as a reward?

sorya Chandra - No no, I just came to see whether my queen is having fun in jail or not.

Avantika - First of all, I am not your queen and secondly, it is better to stay in jail than to see your gross, so get out from here, get out.

Sorya Chandra angrily pulls her hand and picks up Avantika from there. Now Avantika stands up. Sorya Chandra holds her hand tightly and bends her wrist.

sorya Chandra - Come with me without talking nonsense.

Avantika - Ahhh leave my hand I am feeling pain.

Avantika tries to free her hand but she is unable to free it.

Sorya Chandra - (angrily) Come with me!!

Avantika - (trying to free her hand) I will not come.

Now Sorya Chandra got very angry. Sorya Chandra carries Avantika in his arms and takes her away from there.

Avantika - Leave me, I said leave me

Sorya Chandra brings her to a room and throws her on the bed, just then some maids also come there.

sorya Chandra - Listen to me carefully. Today is our wedding celebration in the palace. Today many big kings, queens and many other people will come. Be nice in front of them.
Don't do any trick otherwise it will not be good for both your father and the kingdom. Do you understand?

Avantika - What a ridiculous person you are.

Avantika had tears in her eyes, she had no other option but to obey Sorya Chandra, she could not put her father or the state in trouble.

sorya Chandra To the maids - Dress the queen well, the queen should look the most beautiful in this celebration.

Saying this, Sorya Chandra leaves from there.

The maids prepare Avantika well, after which the maids leave the room and Sorya Chandra comes there.

The maids prepare Avantika well, after which the maids leave the room and Sorya Chandra comes there

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Avantika was looking very beautiful, sorya Chandra holds her hand and takes her outside with him. Avantika was not saying anything.

He was introducing everyone to Avantika, some old kings come to him.

Old king- Sorya Chandra Congratulations, you have chosen the right girl as your life partner, I had heard that Avantika is very beautiful and kind, I also saw her today.

Sorya Chandra - After all, whose choice is mine, so she must be beautiful.

Old King - You are the youngest king and now you have got married, so now you are coming, right?

sorya Chandra - I have just got married, I will think about it after a few days and tell you.

Avantika in her mind - Well, this is why he got married

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