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Avantika- What nonsense are you saying? Do you think you will say anything and I will believe it?

Commander – I am telling you the truth.

Avantika – No, I am his wife, he cannot do this.

Commander – Wife? (laughing) You are just married to him, you are not his wife.

Now the commander moves towards Avantika and Avantika starts moving backwards, but then she collides with the wall behind.

Avantika – What are you doing? Stay away from me.

The commander comes very close to Avantika.

Commander – I have just started and how can I go away from you now

Commander starts touching Avantika's hair.
Avantika closes her eyes and pushes commander with full force, due to which Senapati falls a little distance.
Avantika quickly picks up the sword kept on the wall and stabs the commander in the stomach.
All this happens so quickly that before the commander can understand anything, the commander gets hit by a sword in his stomach.
And he dies.
Avantika now comes out of the room. She had a sword in her hand which had blood on it. Some blood splattered on Avantika's face.
Seeing Avantika, the servants standing there get scared. Avantika starts moving forward. Some soldiers come to stop Avantika but Avantika kills them too.
Avantika screams loudly. Hearing all this noise, Krishna Dev comes there and sees Avantika.

Krishna Dev – Rani…Rani stop
Queen Queen.....

He comes towards Avantika.

Avantika – (shouting) queen? Who is the queen?
After all, who is the queen here?

Krishnadev whispers something into the ear of a servant, after which the servant leaves from there.

Avantika – (crying and shouting) Why did your king marry me?

Krishnadev thinks something



Sorya Chandra – (Screaming) What do all these people care about my marriage?

Krishnadev – You should get married.

sorya Chandra – Why should I marry, I don't want to marry.

Krishnadev – But there must be some reason for not marrying, Sorya.

sorya Chandra – Because I want to be free, I don't want any relationship
I can't stay with the same girl  my .whole  life and  love never, love makes a person weak and I don't want to be weak.

Krishnadev – But you will have to get married, if you do not get married then all the ministers and your father will together remove you from the post of king and you also know on whose side the people will be.

sorya Chandra – But how should I get married?

Krishnadev – I have a plan, you marry a princess of a small state.
But no one will be ready to marry you except idiots.

sorya Chandra – Shut up, you also live with me, it means you are also a fool.

Krishnadev – Because I am helpless, unfortunately I am your best friend.
Krishnadev – Because I am helpless, unfortunately I am your best friend and also your minister…

Sorya Chandra – Shut up, I will see what to do next, I will marry, but I will not have to maintain the relationship of marriage.
But which princess should I marry?

Krishnadev – The commander had asked for any reward from you, right?

sorya chandra – right (devil smile)

flashback ends

Krishnadev – Don't do this queen, where are you going?

Then some soldiers come there and capture Avantika.

Avantika – Leave me, what are you guys doing, leave me, leave me.

Just then Sorya Chandra comes there, seeing Sorya Chandra, Avantika stops shouting and starts looking at Sorya Chandra angrily.
sorya Chandra comes to Avantika and cleans the blood on Avantika's face.

sorya Chandra – aahhh you have so much courage you killed my commander
      And you are the first girl who is staring at me like that.

Avantika – What a ridiculous person you are.
Who gave it to his own wife as a reward. What am I?

sorya Chandra – Wait… wait… wait… wife? We are only married, my wife does not accept me and you are just like an object to me.

Avantika – (with tearful eyes) I spit on you, on a person like you.

Sorya Chandra angrily pulls Avantika's hair tightly.

Avantika- ah what are you doing

sorya Chandra – (angrily) Do you even know who I am, I am the great king Sorya Chandra, and now you are my wife, I can do anything with you, whether I kill you or give you to someone else, you do something. I can't even speak, did you understand?

Avantika – Great King (laughing) You are a ridiculous person with ridiculous thoughts. And wife? You yourself said that you do not consider me as your wife, so stay away from me.

sorya Chandra – I will kill you.

Avantika – I would rather die than be called your wife, kill me

Sorya Chandra – No, I can't kill you now but I will kill you soon. Now you go to jail.

Avantika – I would rather stay in jail than see your gross.

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