Chapter: 10

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Something seems off!

Zhu Zhengqing immediately straightened his posture.

Then he started worrying again.

He couldn't just go up and ask someone if they had domestically abused their wife causing her to lose her unborn child, or if they had stolen their student's research results.

That would definitely leave a bad impression!

As Zhu Zhengqing hesitated, Meng Zhezhi had already walked over with a water cup. Seeing him silent, Meng Zhezhi repeated his question: "How come it's just you here, where are the others?"

"Well," Zhu Zhengqing snapped out of his thoughts and suppressed his inner turmoil, pretending everything was fine: "They went to eat."

"What about you?" Meng Zhezhi approached the water dispenser and pressed the button for water.

"I asked them to help me bring back some food."

"I see."

"Oh, by the way," as if remembering something, Zhu Zhengqing said: "We won't need the enzyme analyzer tomorrow, so you can use it if you need it."

There was only one set of equipment in the lab and two experiments were being conducted simultaneously which inevitably led to overlapping steps. After all, this was Zhu Zhengqing's place, so unless necessary, he would have to ask him first.

 "What's wrong?" Meng Zhezhi set down the glass of water he had raised to his lips.

When it came to serious matters, Zhu Zhengqing couldn't help but furrow his brow and sighed, "We encountered some problems with the experiment."

Meng Zhezhi thought for a moment. "You're researching chemokine receptors, right?"

He had been in the lab for almost a month now, and to avoid suspicion, he never deliberately tried to inquire about Zhu Zhengqing's experiments. However, since they were living under the same roof, he inevitably heard them discuss some experimental situations. For Meng Zhezhi, piecing together their research direction from these snippets of conversation wasn't difficult.

"Yes," Zhu Zhengqing nodded. "We're studying the effects and mechanisms of chemokine receptors on proliferation, migration, and invasion of human liver cancer cells."

This project could only be considered mediocre, but it was suitable for integrating the researchers under his leadership.

"Can you tell me which step went wrong?" Meng Zhezhi placed the water cup on the table. "Let me see if I can offer you some suitable advice."

"Sure." Zhu Zhengqing wouldn't refuse his help. He turned and pulled out a stack of data from the experimental platform, handing it to Meng Zhezhi. "We originally planned to use colony formation assays to test the self-renewal and proliferation abilities of various cell groups, but the proliferation curve we plotted turned out to be an arc."

The normal proliferation curve of cells should be a polygonal line.

  Meng Zhezhi took the data and began to review it.

Zhu Zhengqing watched him closely.

Meng Zhezhi's appearance could only be considered average, but he could not resist his mature and steady aura. As he sat there, he emitted a unique charm from head to toe.

Indeed, there was something undeniably attractive about a man who was deeply focused on his work.

Zhu Zhengqing pursed his lips. How could someone like Meng Zhezhi possibly commit domestic violence against his wife?

After about half a moment, Meng Zhezhi carefully went through the entire set of data and said, "I believe the problem is most likely with the plasmid transfection."

"Plasmid transfection?" Zhu Zhengqing gathered his spirits and said, "That's exactly what I was thinking."

"Mhmm," Meng Zhezhi nodded. "Actually, I can't find any fault with the experimental procedure you designed, but since it's not yielding results, perhaps it's best to stop dwelling on it and try a different method."

This didn't quite conform to the research spirit of a scholar.

Zhu Zhengqing looked at him.

  Meng Zhezhi wasn't too concerned about these details. "If you're really not willing, you can leave it for future research. The immediate priority is to complete this project."

He thought for a moment and said. "Why not use the logarithmic growth phase of 7721 cells? Once the cell fusion reaches seventy percent, we can switch to interfering RNA..."

Zhu Zhengqing carefully pondered Meng Zhezhi's words, his eyes lighting up. "By then, with just one scan of the fluorescent microscope, we can accurately observe the expression of green fluorescent protein in each group of cells, thus determining the degree of plasmid transfection."

In conclusion, he said, "Although the steps are much more intricate, the experimental results will be much more intuitive after changing the vector."

Zhu Zhengqing curved his lips, growing happier the more he thought about it. Not only was he pleased that the daunting problem in front of him finally had a solution, but he also admired Meng Zhezhi's erudition and versatility.

He never doubted why Meng Zhezhi had such a high level of expertise in biology. After all, at Harvard, in America, there was no shortage of "unconventional" scholars. For example, those exploring the laws of celestial motion found themselves in the embrace of chemistry, and those studying history won the David Wells Economics Prize...

He thought, how could someone like Meng Zhezhi possibly resort to stealing his students' research achievements?

Could it be that Xu Yehua and the others teamed up to deceive him?

That seemed even less likely. Aside from the fact that they had no conflicting interests between them, the main point was that such a flimsy lie would be easily exposed. How foolish would they have to be to say such things?

Zhu Zhengqing pondered deeply.

Meng Zhezhi was oblivious to all this, murmuring to himself repeatedly, "Change the vector, change the vector…"

  In the depths of his mind, his heart began to beat faster.

At a certain moment, amidst the flickering of the calcium carbide, the barrier of the Goldbach Conjecture that loomed in his mind shattered into pieces.

The first to regain composure was Zhu Zhengqing. "Professor Meng, I'm really grateful to you. When you have some free time, let me treat you to a meal."

Meng Zhezhi chuckled, his voice low and magnetic. "No need for that. It's me who should thank Professor Zhu. You probably don't know how much you've helped me—"

Back at his desk, Meng Zhezhi's thoughts flowed like spring water. He opened a drawer, took out a thick stack of draft paper, discarded about half of it directly into the trash can, and then eagerly picked up a pen to continue his calculations.

When he received the call from his elder sister, Meng Zhezhi was in the midst of completing the final prove of the Goldbach Conjecture.

"Given: r(N) ≤ 《7.8∏{(p-1)/(p-2)}∏{1-1/{(p-1)^2}}{N/(LnN)^2}......(36)"

"Old Four, if I were to divorce, He Zhenli definitely won't agree. *The barefooted are not afraid of those with shoes, but I'm afraid he might stir up some trouble..."
(Those who have nothing to lose, are not afraid of those with power)

"Since N/(LnN)^2=(1/4){(√N)/Ln(√N)}^2~(1/4){π(√N)}^2......"

"So, I've decided. I'll stay at the He family's... I've been serving the He family for over twenty years, and now it's their turn to serve me."

"In conclusion, it can be prove that the conjecture is true."

The sound of rustling paper abruptly ceased, and Meng Zhezhi put down the pen in his hand, speaking slowly, "Alright."

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