Prologue: Our Singularity

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Strange, the sky has never been so hypnotic. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the boundless expanse beyond the horizon. Seeing the sky wasn't the only thing that drew him in. It encircled the entire city like a gigantic halo. Every single celestial body up there.

For some reason, its beauty brought him such relief, and he wonders how long he has been bound to it. The Palais Mermonia was the setting for everything that transpired. Everything she endured for the sake of her people. On his behalf.

He examined the peculiar material in his hand. An inflexible, stony substance with a flawless triangular prism shape. But this rock was no ordinary one. He could not have gotten here or gone home without it. Somewhere deep inside, he could hear a voice beckoning to him.


It was muffled, yet so close. He does not belong here, neither he would deserved to be here. Is he an intruder? A visitor? Perhaps... a new role for him? Even the reaching his potential as a fully-fledged Sovereign Dragon, he couldn't find answer for it.

"...Neuvillette, are you even listening?"

That voice again, muffled as always. Suddenly, he came into realization, what even is Kivotos? It could help if it wasn't for someone pulling the end of his suit. Wait, someone pulling his suit? That would be impossible in an astronomical level.


He found out the hard way, a smack on his shoulder was the mysterious being's answer. Now that it reminded him, it doesn't sound so mysterious after all. He held the prism tightly in his hands as he turned to see who was calling out for him all this time.

Despite the lingering ache in his shoulder blades, he couldn't resist the urge to confront the person responsible. Perhaps he was fortunate this time; it's anybody's guess. He may be targeted mostly in the rear of the head.

 He may be targeted mostly in the rear of the head

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"Forgive me for being harsh." yes, he does recognize her. Given that they had only met an hour ago, of course he does. It may be best if he took a break from worrying about the past. He straightened his collar and gave her a small bow.

Maybe it was just him, but he could've sworn she pouted for a split second. Oh, right, wasn't there a meeting soon?

"Nanagami Rin, It's pleased to see you again. Forgive me for my lack of awareness."

"It was precisely one hour since we last met, as I recall with excellent detail."

"...So it would seem."

She crossed her arms to his reply. Although she was mildly frustrated, he can't help but to see something in me. Maybe she's not gone far enough to reach that truth?

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