Comfort in you

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This morning he drew X's and O's on my paper and I think he was flirting with me because I blushed so hard, yesterday was definitely something that I don't want to remember but "Can I come over to your house today? My parents are going out and I don't want to be home alone" Navy asked and I lit up! "Suuuuuuuure!" I said and after school I rushed home to clean up

I don't know what happened but I just haven't confessed to Embry yet, I don't know what I was waiting for but I'm going to ask him today when I come over

I was sitting on a bench waiting for my mom then I saw the guy Embry was with yesterday, he saw me and I hoped he didn't recognize me because I know Embry told him what I did and he's probably mad but of course he remembered me and came over

N: What is wrong with you?
H: Bro it was last year get over it
N: Get over it? Are you dumb? You tried to kill somebody who trusted you
H: We were playing around, we weren't seriously going to kill him
N: Let me hold you under water before you can catch your breath then let's see if I'm just playing around
H: Are you his boyfriend or something? It has nothing to do with you so mind your business
N: Are you fucking slow?! It doesn't matter if I'm his boyfriend or not, trying to kill somebody isn't a joke and he's not even mad at you that's what I don't get
H: Because he's stupid, what kind of person doesn't hold grudges at people that almost killed him for no reason
N: Your pushing it
H: Whatever my ride is here

"Dad! My friend Navy is coming over so do you mind fixing up the living room before he gets here, I want to impress him" "Sure son" "Thanks dad your the best! : )" I finish cleaning my room and made sure I had snacks in the kitchen before Navy came over because this is very important! : ), I also hid all the glitter I had out from doing arts and crafts the other day : 3

*knock knock* I knock on Embry's door with flowers in hand, I'm asking him out tonight so I couldn't come empty handed "Dad can you get the door, I'm putting the vacuum up!" I heard him say then a deep voice said "Sure" as footsteps approached I got a little nervous, the door opened and there stood a tall ass man with big muscles

Embry's dad-
I open the door and see a boy standing there with flowers "Hello sir" he said and he sounded scared "Hello, you're Navy right?" "Yes" he said and I laughed, I held out my hand for him to shake and he did "Ouch" he said as I squeezed it "Are those for Embry?" I asked and he nodded "Okay" I moved out the way and he came in "First room to the left" I said and he nodded "But first I have a question" I said and he looked up at me "What are your intentions with my son?" "Dad! Stop your scaring him!" Embry said and I rolled my eyes

(ED= Embry's dad)

ED: Pumpkin you know I just want the best for you
E: We're just friends dad!
ED: That's not what those roses say
E: You got me flowers? Awe you're so sweet! : )
ED: That's very nice now put them in a vase
E: No, when I leave your just going to try and scare him again
ED: I'm a dad I'm supposed to scare boys off
E: Not this one, here you put the flowers in a vase, come on Navy
N: Bye bye

I hope when I grow up I'm scary like my dad, he's so cool and he rides motorcycles! : ) "How tall is your dad?" Navy asked as we approached my door "6'11 I think" I answered and he looked back "Okay" he said and we went into my room "Don't lock the door" my dad said so I left it cracked a bit "Okay dad!" I said and I can't believe Navy got me flowers 🤭

Embry-I hope when I grow up I'm scary like my dad, he's so cool and he rides motorcycles! : ) "How tall is your dad?" Navy asked as we approached my door "6'11 I think" I answered and he looked back "Okay" he said and we went into my room "Don't l...

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Embry's room^

His room is nice, mine is pretty basic and boring, we talk and watch tv for a while "I have snacks if you want to come to the kitchen with me : )" Em offered and I don't want to see his dad again but I don't want to seem like a scaredy cat "Sure" I said and followed him to the kitchen

ED: You're back
E: Dad I told you to stop drinking milk from the carton, I was going to use it for my Oreos
ED: There's another carton in there
E: Navy can you get the Oreos out the pantry : )
N: Sure : )
E: Thanks your the best! I was thinking we can go to the park later since it's Friday and you should stay the night if your parents say it's okay, I like cupcakes but we don't have any so we might have to make them if I have all the ingredients. Sounds fun right? Right!
N: Maybe you should ask your dad first....
ED: Yeah Embry you should ask your dad before making plans
E: Can he stay the night?
ED: Sure pumpkin
E: Okay and there's a diner down the street we can go to : )
N: Like a date?
E: Come on dad why not
ED: You're moving to fast
N: I'll pay for it
ED: Fine

Embry's dad-
I'm pretty sure parents are supposed to be mad when their kids bring boys over but Embry is so sweet and innocent, I trust him not to do anything so I don't really mind I'm just trying to intimidate him because that's what my friends at work said to do, this is the first boy he brought over so it's fine

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