The most

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My parents do the absolute most all the time especially when boys come over that's why I don't want them to meet Embry "Fine come in"

Navy's dad-
I come in the room and see a boy laughing and spinning around having the time of his life in Navy's rolling chair

Haha this chair is so fun 😆, I want one "Hello" his mom says as I'm spinning "Hey Navy's mom and dad" I answer but when I stood up I fell back down from being dizzy

N: Mom dad this is Embry, Embry this is mom and dad
E: You're house is so pretty! I want a big house like this but mine is pretty average
N: It's not a conversation if you don't talk back guys
*they both copy Embry's hand gesture just like Navy did in page one*
E: ...Okay : ) *starts back spinning in the chair*
N: Great now you offended him
ND: Do you always talk so quickly and with your hands?
E: Mhm : )
NM: So when did you start dating?
E: Uhh

Navy's mom
He's a handsome young man and one of the first people Navy ever brung over, I'm so happy for him. I think me and his dad both agree on that, as I await their response they start whispering to each other

"I thought you had a girlfriend?" "No?" "Huh?!" "I don't even like girls" I said and he looked at me then my see through shirt then my parents that are just watching this all happen "We're not dating" he said "Yeah we're just best friends and do you mind if we have a sleepover?" I ask and my dad says "Sure why not, did you ask your parents Embry?"and he nods so they leave the room

"Your parents know?" I asked and he nodded as they left the room, that's cool I think to myself getting jolly ranchers out my back pocket then I felt my phone that was wet. I wiped it off quickly and luckily it was fine : )

He was so worried about the storm he didn't even realize his phone was in his pocket. "Can I take a shower, I'm soaked and I might get pneumonia" he said and I laughed "Sure I'll let you borrow some clothes" I said getting a shirt and shorts out the dresser

I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet cover as Navy brought me a rag and body wash and he also showed me the hot/cold water. "Where's the bubbles?" I asked and he raised a eyebrow "Bubbles?" "How can you take a bath without the bubbles?!" I never ended up getting those bubbles but the soap suds made it better 😆

E: Navvvvyyy
N: Yeah?
E: I don't have a towel
N: I thought I gave you one?
E: Nope
N: Oh I'll bring you one hold on
E: Thanks your the best : )

I bring him the towel but when he reached out for it the door was open just a bit too wide and my eyes traveled down, I COULDN'T HELP IT! I caught a tiny glimpse before the door shut and I covered my face in embarrassment. I laid flat on my bed trying to push the thoughts away

I love showers and feeling clean, I used to hate the bath when I was a kid but now I'm big on hygiene. "Navvvvvvvvyyy" I said walking into the room with wet hair "Can you dry my hair?" I asked and he nodded "Sure get the blow dryer out the closet" he said, I handed it to him then sat on the floor between his knees : )

I need to get these thoughts out my head but I don't think I can. I dried his hair, showered, he dried my hair then we started watching a movie. He was sitting close to me the whole time, I didn't mind at all and just enjoyed his presence. After a while he was spinning in the chair again till the power went off

Life is good man- *power goes off* "AHHHH!" I scream then I heard thunder, I know I said I wouldn't leave Navy but "Oh nah" I was out of there. I ran, I don't know where to but I was gone

My door opened and shut then the power came back on after a second and he was gone "Em? Embry?" I called out and found him in the living room with my parents

N: Em?
E: Hi Navy! : )
N: What are you doing? *laughs*
E: Nothing, I got scared so I ran
N: Let's go back to my room
E: But I'm scared
N: I'll hold your hand
E: What if I'm still scared?
N: Then I'll......let you sit beside me and I'll give you Oreos
E: You have Oreos?
N: Yeah and you can have some : )
E: With milk?
N: Sure *laughs*
E: Okay come on, bye Navy's mom and dad thanks for letting me hide here
Both- Bye

I grab his hand and we skip to the kitchen for Oreos and milk, he's so nice and pretty. Issac never offered me Oreos 😒, but that's okay because he's still my friend I just like Navy more

We got our snack then went back to my room but I noticed how careful he was being with the cup, he is really clumsy. All night we talked and laughed but then I noticed he likes to spoon and be the little spoon. So when I share a bed someone has to be at the foot.....not with him he volunteered to be on the outside and next thing I know we're spooning.

*yawn* "What time is it?" I asked waking up then feeling arms around me. I look over and see Navy holding me how did this happen? "Navvvvvvvvvy" I wake him up and he gives me a death glare "Hey don't make that face it's time to wake uppppppppp! : )"

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