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March 10

(Spring break has taken full effect, as the gang decided what vacation destination suits them best. None of them can agree on each other's answers).

(Matthew enters the chat)

[Matthew] Ok guys. I'm on a tight schedule rn, but I'm taking my 20-minute break, so let's make this fast and work, like today!

[Catman] Idk, why no one wants to go to the Galápagos Islands. It's totally safe and extremely fun!

[Keegan] Alaska!

[Zoe] I hate reptiles, and I definitely don't want to be on an entire island full of them!

[Keegan] Alaska!

[Camila] Technically, most islands are full of them, but I do get your point.

[Keegan] Man, I've been over here typing Alaska for the last 5 minutes!! Not a single one of yall wanna pay attention to me?

[Zoe] Hmm, may be because, idk, it's too cold!!!!

[Keegan] 😒

[Camila] Puerto Rico's been sounding great lately!

[Keegan] No offense, but I don't want to spend my entire spring break meeting your family down there again.

[Camila] :(

[Zoe] I wanna go to Paris!!

[Camila] Ooo yessss!!!

[Keegan] Ooo no!

I'm not going to spend my entire spring break shopping, drinking coffee, and eating croissants, either.

[Catman] How about Mexico???

[Keegan] Yeah!! Girls said Paris, and now the boys agree upon Mexico

We win Mexico, it is

[Zoe] Hey, nitwit, the score is tied 2 to 2

[Camila] So we just need one more vote

[Zoe] Oh, I can call in Brian

[Keegan] Heck no!!

Respectfully, it wouldn't be fair. He'd obviously side with you girls.

[Catman] 😾 Yeah

[Camila] Then what do we do?

[Keegan] Mat, feel free to chime in whenever you want, buddy

[Matthew] Oh

I apologize

I was helping out some customers

[Zoe] Aren't you on break?

[Matthew] Yeah, but is it wrong to still help?

Guys seriously, I only have 11 minutes left, now 10, and some change.

[Keegan] Oh, we settled it. It's just that we need you to say Mexico.

[Zoe] Nice try

We wanna go to Paris!!

[Keegan] Mexico! quesadillas > Croissants 🤷‍♂️

[Matthew] Here's how we settle this

We're going to Rome.

It's settled. Don't debate. This is my final decision. Deal with it! Now let me enjoy my break! ✌️

(Matthew has left the chat)

[Zoe] Hmm, savage

[Catman] Rome is actually pretty nice.

[Keegan] Yeah, I guess

[Camila] We're gonna love it, you guys, trust.

[Zoe] Aye, Mat dropped the mic. So I guess there really isn't any other choice.

I'll tell Brian so we can start packing.

[Keegan] Could you not

[Zoe] Pardon?

[Keegan] Can he not come?

I'm not hating or anything. It's just that he's kinda fresh and new. I don't want him to feel forced to.

[Zoe] Nonsense! He doesn't feel forced. He's actually pretty eager to tag along.

[Keegan] K

[Zoe] 🙄 But for this trip, I'll leave him behind. Just this once.

[Keegan] 😎 Cool

[Catman] Well then, it's final, see yall soon!

[Camila] Dido

[Keegan] Yeah alright, yall.

[Zoe] Peace and love!

(Catman, Camila, Zoe, and Keegan exit the chat)

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