I believe in you Jack -Jack russell

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Monday, November 24th

Jack sat down at the same table he and his friends usually sat at everyday for lunch with his lunch box. Mackenzie and Snickers were already seated with their food and greeted Jack as he sat down.

"Hey Jack, how was your weekend?" Mackenzie asked as he ate his curry

"it was alright" Jack opened his lunch box and pulled out a grilled cheese sandwich his mom made for him and started to eat it. Jack then noticed that Rusty was absent from the table "hey guys, where's Rusty?"

"He's over there talking to Indy" Snickers responded as he ate a hotdog

Jack looked over at the opposite end of the cafeteria where he saw Rusty and Indy talking to each other. They had been dating for about a year by this point and they were extremely happy together. Jack was happy his best friend was dating the girl of his dreams, but secretly, he felt jealous. Every other boy in school seemed to be obsessed with romance and dating, but he wasn't. He had never really tried to ask out girls before because he was scared they would reject and make fun of him. He also never really felt romantically attracted to anyone in the school. He felt like a complete outcast from everyone else.

Indy then leaned forward and gave Rusty a kiss on the cheek before He walked back over to the table and sat down.

"Sorry mates, me and Indy were talking about meeting at the park this weekend and I got distracted"

"Actually Rusty, I was thinking we could all go to the fair this weekend. You know, to have some fun" Mackenzie suggested as he continued to eat his curry

"Well... I'll only go if Indy can come as well. Because I promised I would spend time with her this weekend"

"Rusty, I know you love your girlfriend a lot, but I kinda want this to be a trip between just us"

"Oh come on Mackenzie, please"


"Let her come with us Mackenzie, I'm sure she won't bother us" Snickers chimed in

"*sigh* alright fine, she can come with us, but only if I can bring bluey with us as well"

"Oh, are you finally gonna confess your feelings for her? Or are you gonna get cold feet and push it off?"

Mackenzie then started blushing "n- no, I won't get cold feet this time. In fact, I'll confess my feelings for her this weekend!"

"Well you better hurry, bluey has been showing interest in jean-luc lately" Rusty said with a smug expression.

Jack then noticed something "speaking of Jean-luc, where is he-"

Jack was suddenly cut off by a bluish-black Labrador running into the cafeteria and sitting down at the table.

"Hey Jean-luc, what took you so long?" Mackenzie asked

"Bonjour Mackenzie, Sorry I am late, I had to stay overtime in math to complete an assignment."

"It's alright Jean-luc, did you get the homework for tonight?"

"Oui, did you guys also get it?"

Jack was confused "wait... the teacher handed out homework?"

"Yeah, don't you remember? We have to do 10 problems on trigonometry tonight and we also have a test on it next week" Snickers responded

Jack started to panic. He was usually average at math, but trigonometry was the subject he struggled with the most. It didn't help that while the teacher was explaining it, he zoned out and ignored most of the lesson. Jack had no idea what he was going to do-

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