The thing was, Garmadon technically beat it, not the ninja. I wasn't Garmadon, nor did I have four arms or four Golden Weapons just lying around. So the question was, how could I help in defeating that thing with no powers whatsoever? Better yet, we don't even have our very own Garmadon, either. So, things weren't looking too good.

The clinking of Rhiannon's spoon against her glass bowl has my droopy eyes meeting her figure, which started to stand from the plush grey chair she sat in. "Well, I'm all done here and I was planning to study a bit at the library. You, on the other hand," She narrows her eyes at me, pointing a sharp blue nail at my face, "Are going to take a nap, my orders."

I sigh, eating the last bite of my toast while dusting the crumbs off my hands against my PJ's pants. "Yes, anything for you, my lovely wife." I hear her chuckle and smile to myself, handing over my empty plate when her pointing finger turns into an outstretched hand. "Thank you."

"No problem. I'll see you later, okay?" She smiles, slipping my plate under her bowl and returning it to the lounge's kitchen sink, where she starts to wash them up.

I crack my knuckles and lean my head back with a small groan. As much as I wanted to pass out, I knew I shouldn't. Snatching my dorm key off the table, which Rhiannon managed to get me earlier in the morning, I head to the lift, slipping my phone out of my pocket while I wait for it to arrive. I scroll through my very small contact list, though it has grown now with the addition of my new friends, and pull up Lloyd's contact.


Morning! Just wanted to check in and see if you've seen or heard from Wu yet?

The reply doesn't come instantly like it did last night, and I wondered if he was still sleeping. He didn't seem like the type to sleep in after six, let alone eight in the morning. The lift arrives with a ding, and I step aside to let the students out before entering myself and hitting my floor number.

A vibration from my phone gains my attention again and I see that I had been added to a group chat. Oh, this should be fun. And by fun, I mean very chaotic. I should change their contact names to match the vibe, I'm sure they would appreciate the thought, Or at least Jay would. He seemed like the type to have the most random names for his friends.

You have been invited to [COLE ATE MY PUDDING CUP AGAIN] by Boss Man

Boss Man:

morning y/n :) we've got nothing on Master Wu just yet. anything on your end?


Nothing yet, sorry. But I have hope we'll find him soon. Also, what an interesting group name lmao

Spark Plug:

that was me! sorry! forgot to change that haha ^^'

The Rock:

I told yoi I didn't eat it, Kai literally confessed to it days ago??


Group chat name was changed to [Cole Deserves Justice] by The Rock

My Queen:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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