"Bitch" he grumbles, going over to my bed.

Plopping down and laying like a starfish, "he's so gorgeous" he whines to himself.

I sigh. "we'll go tomorrow but if he isn't there, you can just ask for his number. Saves us the trip every day."

"Good idea."

I would've loved to visit Belle everyday but something inside me knew I would be seeing her more. She was going to call. I just know it. Call it a gut instinct if you will.


"Your dinners are on the dining table" Tanya said from the hallway, after knocking on my door. She's been working here since I was a baby. She's definitely taken on a maternal role than her original one as a maid. I hate calling people maids. Or servants. That's so... inhuman.

"Thank you, Tanya" I smile. "Thanks mom!" Liam grins, jumping up from the bed, ready to sprint downstairs.

Liam loves calling her mom, even though she obviously isn't. He was placed in an orphanage from a young age and fostered by two bastards who don't give a fuck about him. That's why he lives here. We're practically brothers.

Tanya rolls her eyes at Liam.

"Be quick or the lasagna will go cold" she says before leaving.

"Lasagna?" Liam shouts. I stand up to walk out the room as he is already sprinting down the stairs, "If you told me it was my favorite, I would've finished it by now!"

By the time I get to our over-extravagant dining room, he's already inhaled nearly half. "Gross" I say.

I love annoying him.

He continues to scoff down his food, not stopping for a breath at all. Instead, he holds up his middle finger to me. 

I laugh.

A little while after we finish eating, Liam asks, "you down for a basketball match?"

"When am I not?"

"Good point" he agrees as we stand up. 

We walk outside to our basketball court and play a mock game. Long story short, I beat him 5-4 but it was difficult if I must say. Growing up together means learning basketball at the same time. Everything I know, he does too, and vice versa.

"Good game, master Adrian Wells" Liam bows then holds out his hand for me to shake. 

"You as well, fine sir", I shake his hand.



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"You motherfucker" I hear someone say. Not shouting nor whispering. Just speaking. In a normal tone. That's what makes it scarier.

What is happening?

I stretch my arms in the air as I peel my duvet off my legs. I tiptoe towards my bedroom door and open it quickly.

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