Chapter Two

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Nyxeris's head throbbed, she slowly opened her eyes to find herself lying on one of the metal beds she had seen in the cages.

She tries to sit up, but finds her wrists, shoulders hips and ankles have been strapped down by leather straps.

Looking around, she tries to find Mother Miranda. "Ah, you're awake—good", the same voice from before speaks.

Nyxeris snaps her head to her right and sees Miranda right beside her. She begins to breathe heavily, panicking in light of the situation.

Miranda reaches a hand out to Nyxeris's face, who jumps and tries to turn away from her hand. Cold hands and even colder golden talons caresses her cheek, tucking pieces of hair behind her ear.

"Don't worry, Nyxeris. I have great plans for you, as for the child... it should be a perfect vessel for my Eva", she says as she moves her hand to caress Nyxeris's swollen belly.

Her fear grew all the more at those words, her eyes welling with tears, "Pl-Please... Mother Miranda, what is it you want with me and my child? Wh-Where's the old woman?".

She tsks and shakes her head, standing from her stool. In a blink of an eye, Miranda changes into the old hag.

"Does this form ease you more, dearie?", she asks with that crooked yellow smile. Nyxeris is utterly stunned, she can't believe that she just changed into another right before her eyes.

Seemingly sensing Nyxeris's discomfort, she changes back to her younger form. "I'd thought not. As for what I want—I want my daughter back", she claims.

"As for you, you fit well into my plan—be grateful. I plan to make you part of my family, and the child in your womb will be the vessel for my daughter—Eva".

"Wh-What?! N-No! You- You can't take my child from me, please!", Nyxeris desperately cries out.

Miranda returns to her side, caressing her cheek and stomach once more, leaning down and shushing her. "Sh sh shhhh... don't worry, you will thank me later", she says with a low voice.

Turning around, she grabs a syringe from the metal tray on a cart. Next, she takes a jar with something inside that terrified Nyxeris.

In the jar, a small, fetus looking organism sat throbbing in a liquid. Miranda took the syringe, and pierced the organism.

It didn't cry, didn't flinch, nothing, it just sat there. Miranda drew something from it, and placed the lid back on the jar, turning to Nyxeris with the syringe. Her eyes widened in fear, she began to struggle against the restraints as Miranda got closer to her with the syringe.

Yet to no avail, Miranda pierced her aorta artery in her neck with the needle and injected the mystery fluid into Nyxeris.

Nyxeris instantly felt strange, as if something was coursing through her bloodstream and controlling her very DNA. Changing it, altering it to be more like the thing in the jar.

Miranda turned back around, and grabbed a vial. On the vial there was a label, "Eagle Blood".

Sticking the syringe into the vial, she drew its contents into it, and reproached a squirming, screaming Nyxeris—injecting the supposed eagle's blood into her neck just like before.

Nyxeris's blood burned. It felt as if lava had been poured into her veins, making her shake with pure agony. She screamed with a visceral fear and will to escape from this hell.

"HELP ME! Y-YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME!", she screamed at Miranda, who stood beside her, watching her agonize while taking notes of the changes.

And change she did indeed.

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